The Destruction❕

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Lena struggles with herself and loses. After a mistake that leaves Kara hurt and Lena heartbroken she contemplates ending it in the bathroom.

(Please stop reading if youre suffering from depression and youre not sure if you can handle the themes surrounding it. This fiction will get very dark leading to Lena slitting her wrist.
If for any reason you feel as low as she does PLEASE reach out, if you cant reach to friends or professional help, reach out to me.
I will help you the best way i can.)

You are not alone! 🤍

The destruction of National City was still very visible all around her.

Multiple buildings were on the verge of collapse, completely burned down and standing slightly crooked.

Others were missing big chunks of walls or roofs, making them inhabitatable.

Lena stood on the rooftop of L Corp looking around taking it all in, looking at the damages that she inadvertently had caused.

Her jaw was tight, muscle working underneath the skin, not hearing the slight woosh of a cape behind her and the landing of booted feet on the gravel.

Lena shook her head as destructive thoughts wrecked her mind.

The thoughts ranging from 'you caused this, congratulations, you really are a Luthor' to 'the people will want to see you dead when they find out this happened because of you' immediately followed up by 'help them out, jump' but she refused to listen to the voice sounding a lot like her own, yet slightly different as well.

She took a small step forward to see the destruction better, it had only been a month since the invasion.

She sighed heavily while swirling the last remains of the bottle of scotch, deciding if she should finish the bottle or just let the bottle fall and pretend it was herself falling.

Kara stood still behind her, not wanting to scare the woman and accidentally making her trip over the edge, but she did keep a close eye in case she'd had to rush after her.

But Kara knew she didn't really have to worry about that, she realized it was just fascination, Lena looked down at the pavement below, her head spun a little after drinking almost a whole bottle of scotch.

She saw herself fall, her body hitting the pavement with a thud, blood and brain matter splattering everywhere while bones stuck out of her body.

A shudder went through her as a voice pulled her away from the vision "imagening yourself on the pavement?" Kara asked softly as she took a few small steps forward.

Lena straightened her back immediately, dropping the bottle and watching it shatter in a dosen tiny pieces, once again imagening it was her body hitting the pavement.

She was enthralled with the image her mind was giving her so she didn't hear Kara walk up to her.

A soft hand wrapped around her shoulder, gently guiding her away from the edge and chasing the visions out of her mind.

"Lena?" She spoke softly, scared to spook the young woman in front of her "are you okay?"

Lena looked at the blonde in front of her, eyes filled with concern, cape gently fluttering in the air.

She tried to speak but her words got stuck in her throat so she simply shrugged her shoulders while she looked down.

Kara's hand didn't move from its spot on her shoulder, squeezing gently, trying to get her attention.

"Do you want me to take you home?" Lena bit her lip as it began to tremble and she nodded her head almost unnoticeably, she took a few small steps forward while her arms slightly lifted up for a hug.

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