I love you, sorry❕

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Lena comes home after a long long day at work and Kara just takes care of her girl because that's just how she is with Lena!

Kara heard the elevator whirring and dinging on their floor a little after 10pm. Lena had woken up early and let her sleep in, seeing as she had an overseas call that couldn't be scheduled later. She didn't even have time for a lunch break with Kara today, so they hadn't seen each other since the night before.

Kara opened the apartment door to great Lena and was almost shocked at her appearance. Her coat was wet with rain and splashed with muddy water on one side, her mascara was running down her face and even though her make-up was mostly still intact the dark circles under her eyes were visible to Kara from their entrance.

Upon seeing her girlfriend, Lena's whole face lit up with an exhausted smile and her tired shuffling became more like a focused strut straight for Kara's arms.

Kara pulled her into a tight hug, not caring that her cloths would soak up all the rain from Lena's coat. She held her close for a long time, placing kisses against her forehead and temples. She felt all the tension bleeding out of Lena's shoulders, felt her melting against her own body, probably for the first time since she stepped out this morning letting herself relax. A whole-body shiver of her girlfriend made Kars draw back and hold her at arms-length to inspect the state she was in more closely. Her hair was also wet and began frazzling up, her lipstick was only a faint shadow while her foundation looked spotty. Under the drenched coat, a wrinkled blouse was visible which was paired with grey slacks that were, as well as her coat, sprinkled with muddy droplets.

And despite all of this, Lena was still the most beautiful woman in the multiverse in Kara's eyes. She carefully took her chin in her hand to guide her in a loving kiss before pulling back and peeling her out of the coat and leaving her heals by the door as well.

"What happened, didn't your driver pick you up at work?"

Lena shook her head, just shivering in the doorway. "He did, but there is some sort of road-block two streets down. I said I would just walk the rest, I just wanted to see you."

"I'll run you a bath, okay? Have you eaten anything at all today?", Kara asked concerned.

"Just a smoothie for lunch," Lena replied and let herself be guided down the hall into the bathroom. Kara made a disapproving sound but knew better than to start a discussion with her while she was in this state. "I'm sorry I'm home so late. I know we had a date night planned. I'm going to make it up to you," Lena promised while Kara turned on the tab and shuffled around to get some towels, lotion, bubble bath and candles.

"You don't have to apologize, baby, I know it was important if you didn't come home so don't be sorry."

"Thank you, but I don't want you to think that I take you for granted," she explained while undressing and throwing her ruined cloths in the laundry basket. "I was done by five today but then there was a security breach. One of the development servers got hacked and somehow no one but me was able to find the metaphorical whole in the fire wall. I patched it up and created a few more layers, if you will. It took me a little while, but I realized it was worth it when we got attacked again, but they didn't break through. I don't know what I would've done if they did."

"You would've kicked them right out, I'm sure." Kara smiled and gestured for her to hold her arms up so that Kara was able to take her blouse off without undoing all the buttons. Angry red lines from the underwires and straps of her bra were visible when it came off shortly after. Kara soothed over them with her fingertips before kissing Lena again. While the brunette started unbuttoning her slacks Kara reached up and carefully eased her hair out of the high ponytail they were trapped in all day. Lena hissed when her hair fell around her shoulders and one hand instantly shot up to a sore spot on her scalp where the tension headache was the worst. Even carding her fingers through the strands hurt, so she pulled back and accepted another kiss from Kara before she pulled down her pants and underwear and stepped into the steaming water.

The Adventures of SupercorpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora