The Next Time❗

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Any moment that Kara and Lena have together gets interrupted by a crisis in National City. Lena tries to pretend she doesn't care so Kara takes the night off from being Supergirl to give Lena her undivided attention.

"Kara Danvers, the next time you unbutton that damn shirt of yours, it better be for something other than flying out of this office."

"Lena...I-" Kara paused for a second, half of her shirt undone, the emblem of her family just visible. Her eyes softened. She knew alerts from the DEO were a matter of life and death; they were a matter of seconds. "-I'm sorry."

"No. I'm sorry. I have to be better at letting you go." Lena took two steps to fill the space between them. Her hand rested comfortably over the 'S' on Kara's chest. Her fingers were soft and gentle, but eyes were passionate and possessive. Kara's lips parted, but she found Lena had rendered her speechless. "I don't care what you're wearing when you come back. Just make sure you come back."

Kara's skin tingled where Lena pressed her lips against her cheek, on the corner of her mouth. Her stomach tightened and she felt Lena's kiss all the way down her core.

"I'll be back." Time was limited even when one was gifted with super speed. Kara flew out of the balcony door in a rush of wind.

Lena tilted her head back and released a sigh of exasperation. She hadn't meant to let Kara know she was frustrated, but whenever they had any time together, it was inevitably interrupted.

"How does anyone carry on a relationship with a Super and not turn into a villain?" She rolled her eyes at herself, but still turned on the tv to keep track of Kara and whoever she would be saving.

"Miss Luthor-" Jess started after cracking open Lena's door. "Kara Danvers is here to see you."

"Of course she is." Lena didn't even bother to look up like she usually did. When Jess remained at the door and Lena didn't hear any movement, she flipped her pen. "Well don't leave her waiting. I'm sure she'll be departing momentarily. And Jess, I won't be expecting any more visitors for the night so you can leave. Miss Danvers will be able to see herself out."

"Have a good night, Miss Luthor."

Lena heard the door close followed by two steps into her room. She continued typing out her email. She knew that at any moment Kara would have to leave to save someone else in National City. It would be easier to both of them if Lena could keep her composure. If she wasn't excited for Kara's arrival then she wouldn't have to be disappointed when Kara left and Kara wouldn't feel guilty for leaving Lena. Despite how her plan made Lena's stomach turn, she knew it was for the best.

Another minute passed without a word, an apology, or some excuse from Kara's lips to explain the visit. Lena kept her head down, but at the same time reached for the remote on her desk. The tv near the sitting area flared to life. It was the local news station. Lena didn't meet Kara's eyes.

"Don't bother starting a conversation that you can't finish, Miss Danvers."

The fire started as a gas main leak, but was severely compromised during a standoff with National City police. The standoff stopped as soon as the first explosion happened. The fire has been spreading rapidly ever since. So far there has been no accounts of fatalities, but the fire department has been unable to account for the inhabitants of the adjacent apartment building. They are praying for a miracle, rain, or maybe help from Supergirl.

"Better get going. They'll need a good reporter on scene." Lena's voice was dismissive and her voice hid the displeasure she felt at trying to sound like she didn't care. She concentrated harder on the computer scene even if her fingers had stopped typing. It was hard to control the way her heart wanted to hammer out of her chest, but she knew Kara would hear her disappointment and agitation that yet again Lena was failing to act as selfless as Kara could. She hadn't meant to dismiss Kara the other night and she thought showing Kara she didn't care would make it easier; she could appear as selfless as Kara in the face of even her most basic desires.

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