Go Back to Sleep❗

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Lena is having troubles to sleep, but thankfully Kara is there to help her.
Kara fucks Lena back to sleep.

One moment she was swimming in a pool of potstickers, a regular dream of her if you might ask, and the next thing she knew she was awake. Her eyes were still shut, but she could tell she was awake. The first thing Kara noticed was that she was alone in the too large bed. She knew that because she was cold and the familiar warmty of her girlfriend's body wraped around hers was gone. She also couldn't feel the soft hot breath hitting her neck or the firm hand grasping at her like she was about to disappear on thin air. And, also, she still had the blankets on. Lena hoggs the blankets, as much as she likes to pretend she doesn't.

It was a long day of stoping robbers and putting down fires, so she went to sleep pretty early that night, right after making sure Lena ate dinner and that she wasn't going to exaust herself working even more. She should know Lena wouldn't listen to her so easily. With that in mind, Kara blinked her eyes open, taking some precious seconds to adjust her vision to the dark.

It took her a second to spot Lena. She was perched upon the window seat, holding one curtain pushed to the side so she could seee outside, a silk grey robe loosely draped around her. Kara was a sun lover, for obvious reasons, but the bright moonlight filtering through the window reflected on the pale skin and shiny material made Lena look even better. She was hugging one leg against her chest while her other foot touched the floor and she looked lost in thoughts as she watched National City from above.

Kara yawned softly and turned around, her body covered by the fluffly sheets, and propped her head up on her hand to watch her. Lena Kieran Luthor was the most beautiful woman that ever walked on Earth or any other planet, and Kara would know that because she had visit quite a number of those. Even in the dark, Kara felt weak at the sight of her. Weak on her knees, but Lena brought her a strenght that was almost of worship.

Lena turned her head slightly to the side when she heard the quiet rustling behind her, but she waited patiently before turning to find Kara's blue eyes, althought, in the dark, they looked just as black as the rest of the room. A shame, she really liked those blue eyes. Kara looked up when she noticed she had Lena's attention, cracking a smirk. Then, when she got a smile in return, she crooked her finger and beckoned Lena back to bed. Back to her. Back to where they both agreeded, a time ago and before they even knew, she belonged.

The CEO didn't hesitated to shut the curtain and hop onto the ground to make her way back. She untyied and shedded her silk robe on the way, revealing nothing but soft pale skin. At that, Kara peeled back the sheets and Lena was lying beside her in a second, intertwining their legs and throwing one arm around her waist.

Feeling her chest swell, Kara touched her jaw with the tip of her fingers, so gentle, and leaned her head to kiss the red full lips as Lena hummed gladly at her. She had only been up for a few minutes, but it felt like hours since she last touched Kara and it was a welcoming feeling to be in her arms again.

"Did I wake you up, love?"

Kara shook her head and dropped another kiss on her forehead. "You didn't. Why are you up?" Her voice was a little raspy after waking up and it sent shivers all the way up and down Lena's spine.

"I couldn't sleep," Lena answered in a whisper, already knowing what Kara would ask next.

"Do you want to talk about it?"Kara always knew when something was up, she had that extra power, as her girlfriend liked to tease her about. As she asked, Kara tucked some hair behind Lena's ear before using her finger to trace a line from her jaw to her nose, where she booped it, drawing a smile from the other woman.

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