You Mean the World to Me❕

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After Lena opened up to her again, Kara takes the decision of telling her she's Supergirl.

Everything sucks. It's the thought that can't stop making its way into Kara's mind and distracting her from the mission she has given herself. Exposing Lex Luthor and bringing him back in jail.

Kara sighs and throws the pile of paper she's been holding to the floor. She sighs louder and buries her hands into her palms as if that could shield her from the ugly reality she is stuck in.

Too many things are going on at the same time. Too many things are hurting her more than Kryptonite ever could.

Alex doesn't know she is Supergirl, and might never know the real version of herself anymore. That settles a deep feeling of loneliness within her.

She got in a fight with Lena, and can't explain her why she hasn't been there for her when Lex has escaped. Or she could, but that means she would have to tell her she is Supergirl. Something that Kara considered doing a lot lately. Keeping the truth is not only becoming harder as the years pass by, it also hurts Kara more painfully than Kryptonite poisoning could. She also knows the longer she waits, the more Lena is going to be hurt the day she will find out the truth. Despite her hope and optimism, Kara isn't naive enough to think she could spend years without Lena finding out the truth in one way or another. Besides, she feels the need to be honest, not only for herself, but for Lena as well. Lena who's been betrayed so many times, and there is a part of Kara that can bear to put her through this again, but there is also that part of her who knows it's better if Lena learns the truth from her, and rather sooner than later.

Kara knows what she has to do, but that doesn't make it easier.

She sighs again, and ponders her options when she hears Lena's heartbeat coming closer to her. She gets up and steps out of her office.

Their eyes meet from across the room. They are not alone, but from the way they look at each other, it looks like they are. Kara feels her heart flutter as she suddenly feels like she's in one of those romantic comedies. That makes another thing she's keeping secret from Lena coming for front into her mind. She can't take care of that now though. She knows she can't reveal she's Supergirl, and then confessing to Lena that she's been in love with her since the day they met.

She's so beautiful. I love her so much. Kara smiles as she is lost in the sight in front of her. Lena also seems rooted on her spot and looks deeply at her. That makes Kara wonder if there's a chance Lena feels the same way about her.

Lena smiles slightly at her as she finally steps closer to her.

Lena is wringing her hands together once she finds herself being in front of Kara. "Hi," she says.

Kara smiles warmly, "You okay?"

Lena presses her lips together and stays silent for long seconds. "There's something I need to tell you, Kara."

"You can tell me anything," Kara smiles fondly and leads them to a more private place.

Lena apologizes for the way she acted earlier. That makes Kara feel even more guilty for the secrets she's keeping from her. She tells her that it's fine, and that she doesn't have to worry.

Kara listens Lena as she chooses to open up to her once again, no matter how scary that must feel for her. She tells her she's been helping Lex. Kara can feel from Lena's shaky voice and the tears escaping her that Lena thinks Kara is going to put an end to their friendship. Something Kara knows she could never do.

Lena breaks in tears, and Kara wraps her in an embrace, hoping to put back together the pieces of Lena's shattered heart, and also trying to gather her own courage to open up to her the same way Lena just did.

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