Red K❗

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Kara is afflicted by red Kryptonite and Lena struggles to stop Supergirl's madness. She even wears Lex's warsuit to halt the alien's rampage, but cannot bring herself to utilize the Kryptonite weapons and harm the woman she loves, leaving her in an extremely precarious position.


Lena receded against the back of her leather chair, posture slumping and head drooping, fighting the weight of sleep deprivation that was pulling at her eyelids.

It was the early evening and the C.E.O. of L-Corp had recently attended a meeting with the board members on the next project and how it would affect the company's investors and stock market. She was not actually comfortable either, spending an entire day in tight-fitting skinny jeans was unpleasant to say the least.

The raven-haired woman sighed, it was not easy to be the leader of a corporation that was pretty much only known for Lex's nefarious attempts at killing Superman, who Metropolis looked up to as their savior, their divine and omnipotent god. She was especially disturbed when she went through her brother's top secret warehouses after she inherited her family's business; besides being dusty from Lex's absence, the large facilities housing anti-Kryptonian weapons was pristine. The new C.E.O. of L-Corp immediately locked down the warehouses, preventing anyone else who knew their locations, though it was unlikely, to take advantage of their abandonment.

Sometimes it was difficult for Lena to think anything else aside of possibly forever being in her brother's shadow, her reputation tarnished for something she had no involvement in whatsoever. Quite frankly, she was frustrated the majority of the time because of it, often drinking the thoughts away with hard liquor. It was to the point where she had to schedule for a therapist again due to the relapse of her depressive bouts; the last time she was in that mood was almost over a year ago when Lex exhibited his true, psychopathic colors, before that was when she was first adopted.

That was about three months before she had met Kara Danvers though; ever since then the scheduling with her doctor and the hangovers abruptly stopped, though withdrawal was still a bitch. Lena was eternally grateful for the reporter's presence and how it indirectly obstructed her path down to her father's, Lionel's, abusive alcoholism. She was so used to people hating her or taking advantage of her due to her family's wealth of fortunes.

Kara though, did not do any of that.

They genuinely enjoyed one another's company after the blonde's first interview, which she continued to conduct. Eventually, they ceased to be professional meetings at some point and the two began to spend more time together personally; neither of them really knew how any of it happened, it just did. After a few weeks of spending some friendly time together, Kara's behavior gradually became...nervous, to put it simply; she fidgeted quite a bit, fumbled and twiddled her fingers, shuffled her feet, stumbled over her words...the Luthor caught the blonde staring a couple of times and often saw her blushing cheeks redden for a second before she snapped her head away, the minutes that followed were her endearing, awkward stutters.

Though the C.E.O. thought the Danvers was attractive and had a cute, puppy-like personality, her years in business gifted her the ability of maintaining a calm and reserved attitude and demeanor. It did not mean, though, that inside her stomach twisted and grew butterflies every time she looked at Kara or even thought about her. It was particularly shocking to the raven-haired woman that the entirety of National City was oblivious to the blonde's identity as the heroic alter ego, Supergirl.

The Luthor had found out perhaps a few hours after their initial encounter in her office. She knew very well Clark Kent's secret status as Superman, her brother was obsessed with him for God's sake. What she was unable to put her finger on was Kara's involvement with him as they looked relatively close with one another. After the first assassination attempt on the heiress, she finally realized within a few hours of extensive research, but never found any reason to actually bring it up.

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