Fear of Losing❗

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Supergirl and Lena kiss but it doesn't go as planned and Kara gets afraid and pushes Lena away. Can they work it out? Can they talk trough the pain of being abandoned after such an intimate moment? Can Kara overcome her fears of losing those closest to her to let Lena in?

The sun hung low in the sky, birds chirping freely, the sun casting low shadows around the office.
It was a long day, as usual, board meeting after client meeting after conference calls that went on for hours.
Lena was tired, beyond believe, but still she was at the office at eight in the evening, tying up loose ends.

The tv was on for background noise and she looked up at the mention of Supergirl.
The two had grown very close in a very short amount of time, bonding over being in the shadow of family members.
Talking about making names for themselves while their surnames hung over them as a shadow.

It turns out that Supergirl was just as busy today, although not with boring meetings, but with fighting rogue aliens.
They were airing a small recap of that day, showing knock out after knock out, a proud feeling started to bubble up.
A small smile found its way on her lips as she hums "way to go Supergirl" she mumbled and turned back to the paperwork on the desk.

She managed to go trough two reports before a woosh of air was on the balcony followed by a soft thud.
Lena cracked a small smile while not looking up from her work "Supergirl! Give me a minute and I'll be done with this report"
"Okay!" a tired but happy voice sounded from the balcony.

It took a few minutes, instead of one, to finish the report and she turned around in her chair, admiring Supergirl from a distance.
Supergirl was leaning against the railing, her arms crossed on it, looking over the city as a guardian angel.
Lena smiled at the thoughts her brain produced, she really did look like a angel with the low glow from the sun on her body.

Her hair picked up by the soft wind, her skin glowing slightly, cape swirling around her calves, the only thing missing was the halo.
"You've been busy" Lena said as she walked up next to her, mimicking her pose.
Supergirl turned her head to look at her with a genuine smile "as have you been" she said with her eyebrows raised.

Lena chuckled "been keeping an eye at me? I must say that even though it's flattering, you should really focus on fighting aliens when you do"
Supergirl laughed full heartedly and it made Lena's heart swell with adoration and happiness.
The laugh sparking memories of a blonde, cardigan wearing, glasses pushing up the nose, reporter of Cat Co and her grinn grew wider.

"I wasn't fighting aliens the whole day. There were moments that they regroupped. So I flew by here to see you, but you were in a meeting every time"
Lena frowned slightly "if you need my help, you can always interrupt, I assure you it is no problem if you do"
Kara smiled widely "it's not like that, I just- I don't know" she waved off her sentence, not sure how to proceed.

The CEO's eyebrows knit together in slight confusion "you can tell me anything Supergirl. You know that. I wont judge"
She nodded quickly "I know. It-its silly, thats all" Lena nudged her on the arm encouraging her to continue and she laughed again.
"Okay. Okay" her mouth opened and closed trying to come up with the right words "I just missed you" she said softly.

She almost didn't hear her, she spoke that soft, a shy smile broke out and she looked down, Kara shining trough the Supergirl mask.
Never in her wildest dreams did she ever think that someone would honestly and without a doubt tell her they had missed her.
"You- you missed me?" mouth slightly open, eyebrows practically in her hairline, surprise clearly on her face.

Supergirl smirked lightly at her expression "well don't act so surprised. We're friends after all! Friends miss each other"
Lena schooled her features into a more neutral expression, trying to figure out why being called a friend stung.
"Right. Friends" she murmured, hoping her voice was void of any resemblance of hurt, but judging by the look she got from Supergirl it didn't work.

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