A Gift for Supergirl❗

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Lena has a very special gift for Kara.

Alex looked up at the sound of high heels clicking across the floor of the DEO to see Lena Luthor approaching her. She had been granted full access to the facility and was working with Winn on several projects, but she still didn't feel completely welcome there. It was easier when Kara was with her, but she was out on a Supergirl mission.

"Hey, Lena," Alex greeted her as she looked back down at her work. "I think Winn is down in the lab." Lena nervously straightened her dress and stepped closer to the older Danvers sister, causing Alex to look up again.

"I was actually looking for you," explained Lena as she glanced around them. "Is there some place we could talk?"

Alex was surprised. She and Lena had spent practically no time alone together since she and Kara had announced they were officially dating, besides the short conversation during which Alex told her if she broke her sister's heart she would murder her and bury her body in the desert. Lena had, understandably, given Alex plenty of space after that terrifying talk, but now she was following the woman into an empty conference room with soundproof walls. Once the door was closed behind them, Alex leaned against the table and folded her arms across her chest. Lena immediately began to pace anxiously, and the DEO agent was starting to feel uneasy about this talk.

"I-I'm not sure how to start," said Lena shakily. "I know you don't trust me, and I do not blame you for that. I know you love Kara more than anything in the world, and I wouldn't want it to be any other way. You are a wonderful sister to her and you keep her safe, and I am so incredibly grateful for that. It makes me feel better knowing you're looking out for her, and I don't even know why I'm bothering with this because- well, it just, it's going to sound crazy, honestly." Alex stood and blocked the woman's path, forcing Lena to come to a halt in front of her. She visibly gulped as she looked up into Alex's hard brown eyes, a perfectly lined eyebrow arched in impatience.

"Would you just spit it out, Luthor?" asked Alex sternly. Lena thought she might faint and she certainly would have run out of the room if the older Danvers sister hadn't been blocking her path, but instead she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"Kara won't have sex with me!" she blurted out as her pale cheeks flushed a bright crimson. She eased her eyes open to see Alex's jaw had dropped, her eyes wide in shock. Lena summoned her courage and continued. "She's worried she's going to hurt me because she thinks she won't be able to control her super strength while in the throes of passion. And I know she's just nervous and she just wants to protect me, but I desperately, desperately want to make love to your sister. You can't even imagine how badly I want her; I've been practically jumping her every time I see her recently-,"

"For the love of god stop talking!" Alex exclaimed as she held up her hands to silence the woman, her face contorted in disgust. While she hadn't known what Lena was coming to her for, she sure as hell didn't think it was for advice on how to seduce her little sister. "Why on earth are you talking to me about this?" Lena knew the next part was where it was all going to get tricky, but thinking about how badly she wanted to fuck Kara had given her new courage.

"I've been researching the red sun simulators you use here to reduce Kara to a human, and I've used that technology to create a bracelet that emits the same energy as the full-sized simulator. But I've greatly reduced it which means Kara will still be plenty strong enough to hurt me if she wanted to, kill me even, just not on accident. And it has a very prominent off switch that she'll be able to access, and I've made multiple copies of the model and design with detailed instructions on how to deactivate it for you and Winn. I even brought it with me for you to inspect." Lena began digging through her bag and produced a silver bracelet with a single red stone in the center. It looked nearly identical to the bracelet Kara had given Lena to summon Supergirl with a touch of a button. Alex took it and began looking it over, pressing on the gemstone which caused it to glow. As soon as she pressed it again, the glow faded.

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