Chapter 9 - Searching for answers

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Tony's POV

"Bruce there you are!" I say walking over to him in the lab's file room
"What's up Tony?
"So you know how you did therapy for me...kinda"
"Yea, why?" Bruce said looking at me
"We need you to question Y/n"
"Oh no I'm not qualified for that," he says as he starts pacing slightly
"Oh come on Banner your a Doctor"
"Yeah a doctor in science, I'm not a psychiatrist or a medical doctor, Stark!"
As frustrated Bruce says that, I can see green starting to go to his veins on his neck which is never a good sign.
"Okay, okay Bruce breath, What are proteins made of?" I say trying to distract him
"Amino acids"
"Okay what is the molecular structure of a carbon-based bond?"
"it can form four covalent bonds with other atoms or molecules. The simplest organic carbon molecule is methane CH4, which four hydrogen atoms bind to a carbon atom"
"Good, do you feel better?" I ask
"You mean not hulking out and just being Bruce?"
"Yes I'm fine now... thanks"
"No problem science bro, but are you able to talk to Y/n?"
"I don't think it's a good idea Tony, plus she's more likely to open up if she has already had contact with the person questioning her"
"So that leaves Pepper, Nat, and I?"
"Precisely, good luck" Bruce said before waking out of the room
"All I wanted was a nice vacation in the Bahamas, that's all I wanted!" I mumbled to myself frustrated as I walked out of the lab to go check on Y/n and then go find Nat and or Pepper.

Loki's POV

I've been looking through the library in the tower all day but could not find anything, I knew we would have to Asgard at some point but I would rather do that later, Odin still can't stand me but it's good to know the feeling is mutual.
"Ah brother there you are!" Thor said loudly as he walked into the room
"Why must you be so loud, brother?"
"I'm going to ignore that Insult, but have you found anything yet?"
"No I haven't brother don't you think I would have gotten you if I did? Have you contacted that lover of yours yet? What's her name? Ah Jane Foster?" I say annoyed
"Yes, she thought it best to look in old libraries for they like to have secret rooms with older books"
"Perfect it's better than this place" I say rolling my eyes
"Hello? Starks friend voice in the air?" Thor questioned
"My name is F.R.I.D.A.Y Mr. Odinson" the I.A spoke
"ah yes right I knew that, F.R.I.D.A.Y, find the oldest library in the country"
"A list has showed up on the table, sir"
"AH! thank you smart friend!" Thor yelled
"Must you be so loud Thor?" I say once again
"Well the closest option on the list is in town" Thor spoke while looking down upon the high tech table
"Shall we go then?" I say as I snapped my fingers and changed into midgardian clothes already walking out.

Once we got to the library, we walked in and met a lady named Lily or so her name tag says.
"Hello gentlemen, how can I help you?" She said smiling
"We're looking for your historical section, stuff about Norse mythology" I quickly spoke before Thor could say anything
"Oh I see, well most of that section has been removed but I'll show you anyway"
"Thank you ma'am" I say before turning to Thor
"Haha who knew the famous Loki was kind!"
"I am the god of mischief! And I was not being kind, it's having manners brother! Didn't mother teach you anything!" I say in a whispered harsh tone

"Ah here we are, please let me know if you need help or have any questions" Lily spoke breaking the tension between them
"Thank you the lady Lily" Thor spoke while slightly bowing his head
"Umm your welcome sir" Lily replied awkwardly as she walked away
"See I have manners brother" Thor smirked
"Whatever, come on we need to find something to help Y/n"

After an hour of looking around and not finding anything, my oh so lovely brother spoke up
"Mhmm" I say while looking at the new book I just picked up
"I think I found something"
Just as Thor said that and with Loki about to reply, a huge crash and commotion came near the entrance of the library.
"WHERE THE HELL IS SHE LILIAN? I KNOW SHE COMES HERE AFTER SCHOOL ALMOST EVERYDAY!" A man practically yelling and making everyone terrified Immensely
"I'm sorry Mark, I don't know where she is. She hasn't been here in a few days" I heard Lily speak calmly and while standing her ground
"You stupid bitch! WHERE THE HELL IS Y/N?!" The man yelled while in Lily's face
"Y/n?, how does this man know Y/n?" Thor spoke quietly
"Well we're about to find out" I said before walking towards the entrance about to kick this man's ass, with reason of course.

"How do you know Y/n?" I spoke standing my ground to show that I wasn't scared of this stupid Midgarden
"She is my daughter! And why the hell do you need to know jackass?!" The man spoke gritting his teeth
"Daughter?! You don't even treat her like a human Mark! You treat her as a slave and have her take care of your bullshit!" Lily yelled at the man, Mark.
"How dare you..." Mark spoke while putting his hands on Lily's shirt collar lifting her a few inches from the floor.
"How dare you speak to me that way! I am a god you Foul Creature and Y/n is safe, so I suggest you put the lady down and walk out sir before this gets even more messy" I say now pissed off
"Oh really ho...*bonk*"
"He said put the lady down and that Y/n was safe, we warned you" Thor spoke while dusting his "umbrella" off after smacking Mark in the head with it.
"Midgardians is so stupid at times" I say in disgust
" you" Lily stuttered while stunned upon what had just happened
"Ah your welcome my lady!" Thor said proudly, at times I think his ego is bigger than the power of his hammer.
"Well we shall be off, have a good day" I say breaking the tension and walking towards the door
"Wait! How do you know Y/n? And is she really safe like you said?" Lily spoke stopping the men in their tracks
"Yes she is safe, she's at the Avengers compound with us. Why? Do you know anything we should be aware of?" I questioned
"Why is she with you?"
"Uhhh" I stuttered not wanting to give too much away
"Because we think she has powers! Hence why we were here, for research!" Thor said excitedly
"THOR! We've talked about this you can't be telling people things, much less Midgardians!" I said harshly
"I...uhh" Lily spoke stunned
" Pardon us but we really must go if you want to see her call Mr. Tony Stark" I say before taking Thor and bringing us back to the compound

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