Chapter 29 - Finally, a familiar face

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"Again" dusting the dirt off my knees
"Princessa, you haven't slept since we left the cabin, it's been over a week" Pietro sighs
"That's not true" I say, as Pietro blocks my punch
"Taking a 30-minute nap while I run isn't enough darling," he said crossing his arms
"It's fine, now, again I can't rely on my abilities," I say, getting into a fighting stance.
"Fine, but I'm going to bed after this, it's already dusk and we have a long day ahead tomorrow"
"Where are we heading tomorrow?" I ask
"Home" he simply says
"Yeah, we're in Winchester at the moment we passed Ottawa yesterday"
"Sweet, and seriously? It's probably like 7 pm that's when old people go to bed" I laugh
"Did you just call me old?! Oh, you're getting it now!" Pietro laughs as he throws a punch and tries to kick the back of my knee to get me down before I swift down and trip him, making him fall on his back.
"Haha, guess I win" I laugh, reaching my hand out to help him up but when he reaches for my hand he flips me over and speeds over pinning me down.
"Guess I win" he chuckles
"Hey, you cheated! We agreed on no speed" I pointed out as he helped me up.
"You didn't see that coming?" he smirks
"Asshole" I joke, walking over to the pile of hay on the ground fixing it up. Pietro found an abandoned barn for us to stay in for a bit, usually, after he fell asleep I went and watched the stars or explored the surrounding area.
But tonight was different, instead of staying around the barn after Pietro drifted off, I ended up at the neighbor's barn after hearing an animal in distress. Following the sound, I crack open the barn door to see a horse wrapped in some wire at the ankle.
"Shh, it's okay sweetie," I say softly walking up to the horse, having my hand out.
*NEIGHHH* the horse cries jumping with its front hooves at me.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, shh" walking up slowly settling my hand on its nose calming it down.
"See, it's okay," I move towards its back hoof trying to undo the wire.
"Oh, hold still... There, all done" undoing the last twist.
"Good...girl" patting her back, as she moved her head up and licked my cheek making me giggle.
"You're very welcome" petting her face, not paying attention to my surroundings.

"You know it's a crime to go onto someone else's property with permission" a deep voice spoke, startling me, turning around slowly.
"I'm sorry sir, she seemed like she needed some help," I say with my eyes glued to the ground, observing the man's shoes, then carefully looking up to see...

"CLINT!" I shouted, completely shocked, as his face turned confused for a few seconds to realization, lowering his bow and arrow.

"Oh my God, you're alive" he spoke still stunned
"Yeah, I think so"
"How- how did you get here?" finally getting his thoughts together.
"Uh, me and-"
"Y/N!" Pietro yells then punches Clint into a pile of hay.
"Oh my God, Pietro what the hell?!"
"He was going to kill you!" Pietro freaks out
"No, he wasn't! It's Clint! You know, Clint Barton?!" I yell

"Ughh, damn" Clint groans getting up, about to shoot Pietro before...
"Holy shit, am I going crazy?" As Clint stares at Pietro like he saw a ghost.
"Clint? You okay?" I ask
"You're dead! You died, I saw you die" was all he could say to Pietro
"Surprise, I'm not dead, oh neither is Y/n" he jokes
"Well, you two figure out if he's actually dead or not, I'll be with the horse" walking over to the stall, where the horse was being held as Pietro and Clint went back and forth on whether he was really dead. It finally ended when Clint shot him in the leg with an arrow to see if he was real.

We explained everything to Clint, then He caught Pietro up on what's happened the past 5 years.
"Wait, why are YOU in Canada?" I ask, being genuinely curious. "I'm finishing up a mission" He spoke, not allowing me to ask anything further. But not being bothered, I step out of the barn to look for the quinjet.
"What are you doing?" Pietro asks, leaning against the worn-out fence.
"Where is it?"
"Where's what?" Clint asks being completely clueless
"Never mind, found it!" I holler, after running into the quinjet which stood invisible in the field.

"AH!" I cry out in pain, as a shooting pain hits my shoulder,
"Y/N!" Pietro yells trying to find me in the darkness
"Damn it, GET ON THE JET!" Clint shouts, distressed.
"What the hell is going on?! And How the hell can we get on the jet if I can't find the damn button?!"
As Clint shoots an arrow disabling the invisibility shield, I holler, "that works too- Ah!" as another shooting pain ripples through my lower stomach.
"Speedy, hold them off! Y/n stay where you are!"
"It's not like I can go anywhere!" I say trying to ignore the massive amount of pain going through my body.
"Smart one Barton, hold people off that I can't see!" Pietro complains as he gets hit in the head with something.
"Ow, what the hell?"
"Put them on then kick their asses!" Clint yells after he throws a pair of night vision goggles at him.

"What the hell is up with me getting shot?!" I whispered to myself as I tried to pull myself up to open the hatch.
"Haha yes!" pulling the lever down a hand comes and grabs my upper arm, my immediate instinct was to elbow the face but I was stopped. So I tried to jerk and wiggle away.
"Y/n stop, it's me, Barton," he said, putting me at ease.
"You better know how to fly this thing" I joke, clutching my lower abdomen in pain as Clint put his arm under my body holding me up as we rushed into the jet.
"Lay down, " he murmured, shuffling to the control panels, "PIETRO, GET IN HERE" Clint yelled he hit the close hatch button, and with a quick gust of wind, Pietro was in the quinjet right as it started to level off the ground.
"N-now are you going to tell us what's going on?" I attempt to say while panting as blood trickles onto the ground.
"I don't know kid, I don't know"

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