Remember When

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    The movie was so sad, we watched if i stay, it was the best movie ever though.

    The worst ending possible. Yeah what we wanted to happen happened but what about what happens next.

    After the movie and Rin go and get ice cream from this one shop that stays open all night. It's like a dinner and ice cream malt shop all in one. It's kinda weird but nice.

    We sit by this railing that overlooks the most beautiful lake I have ever seen. I stand up, placing my cup of ice cream down on the bench and walk over to the railing. I lean on it, looking over the edge.

    Rin comes and stands next to me. I look at him and then back back at the lake, unsure to as why I feel this big pressure over my heart.

    Looking at the lake brings back memories of my mother. I miss her more and more each day.

    I look down at the lights that are reflected on the lake, they look as if they are dancing. I look didn't at my hands a sudden sadness sweeping over me.

        "Do you remember the first time we came here?"Rin asks, I look over at him and he is looking straight ahead, his eyes searching for something in the distance.

    I look away fr him and back at the lake. "How could I, it was the best date ever."




There days after Marrigold and Rin started dating...

    Why is this boy so weird! And when can I take this blind fold off. "Why can I take this damn thing off Rin?"

    I am holding both of his hands as he guides me somewhere. This is our second date and our first date as a couple.

     Finally we stop walking. "You can take it off now."

         "Fineafreakenly."I say as I pull the blind fold off. "Do you have any idea how tight that thing w-"I stop talking and just look around at the scene before me.

    It was so romantic. The bench had a small table infront of it with two candles lite in the middle.

    Rose petals were scattered everywhere and girl from our school was sitting on the side playing the Violin. I look at Rin and smiles softly.

        "You are such an amazing boyfriend."I say.

    He cups me face and kisses me softly, brushing his lips against my cheek as he pulls away. "I love you, Marrigold."




    In the present...

    I look down at the big scars I have on my wrist, the ones I got from hanging from the beams when I was kidnapped.I start to cry.

        "This is so hard." I sob. "I didn't want you to see me cry. I am so sorry Rin. No one knows me at all. I am so sick. They tell me I  fine, but I know it's a lie.

    I need someone to help me. I keep trying to convince myself that I am fine but I am not. The nights are so long, everything is broken. I can't see straight anymore. I want this to be the last night I this. I want to just disappear.

    I need someone to hold me and tell me everything is bad, but it will get better. Not that everythings just fine. Because I know that's bullshit and you can't lie to me. No one can.

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