The Big Bang

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    People say the world started with a big bang, a bang wich created the cosmos. Others say God created the universe and all its inhabitants.
    I use to think that neither had actually occurred. That the world was an unexplainable phenomenon that had occurred that will never be explained to me.
    But when I died, when my lifes works ceased to flash before my eyes, it was made clear to me which had occurred. Now I could tell you what or who created the casmos but honestly I think that I would therefore be cheating you out of the true point of life.
    To live to the fullest and in the end find out all the answers for yourself. And in doing so trust me it is the best feeling in the world. This feeling of completeness.
    I bet you are all wondering exactly how I died. Well I will tell you, but I can't promise it wont be the happiest of story's.

After The Fall.

        "We came home around six am. It was really hot and all I wanted to do was get inside."I tell the detective.
        "And when you approached the house what was anything amiss to you?"I shake my head.
        "Not right off the bat. But when we got inside I got this odd feeling. Like something wasn't right."I shift in my seat not sure exactly what to say next.
        "What exactly caused you to have this feeling?"He then asks.
        "The stillness. The way everything was unmoved. Not a noise emanated from a single corner of the household. It felt wrong."I say after some thought.
        "Okay Cordel. Can you tell me what happened after you entered the house. Can you tell me how you found them?"
        "I was going to walk up the stairs so that I could go up to my room and take a shower. And that's when I saw her. I ran back to the car to get Dad."I took a deep breath. "Dad came running in and seeing her condition grabbed the phone and called the ambulance and police."
        "And how did they find the boy? Uh Rin?"
       "Well you see. . ."

        The Discovery

    Marrigold! Oh my God what did you do! We leave you alone for one night!
    You said you just wanted to sleep and you go and get hurt. I should go check if she took too much of her medicine again. Maybe that will explain this. I need to know why!
    I climb the stares skipping every other step. Wanting nothing more than to hurry and find out to be some help to her.
    When I reach the top of the stairs I turn right towards her room. I step in something, glancing down I see a dark sticking liquid covering the ground in a big pool. Then trailing into Marrigolds room. It looks like blood.
    Slowly stepping around the suspicious liquid I walk into Marrigolds room. There I see Rin laying on the ground. Blood surrounding him. And another guy, I have no clue who is. A gun next to him and blood spattered on the wall behind him. I scream without thinking about what I was doing.
    Stumbling backwards I run into Dad. He looks at me a solemn look on his face. Then looking into Marrigolds room his face pinches with horror.
        "Dad are they helping Marrigold? She's going to be all right, right?"
    He looks away from me and sighs. "The paramedics are looking at her. But from what they have told me and from what I have overheard I don't think she is going to be okay."I look down at the ground. Then I run downstairs and see them working on Marrigold.
    Then I hear the worst line ever. A paramedic stands up and sighs. "Call it. 6:34 am. DOA."
    Dead On Arrival. Even though they tried to save her there was nothing they could do.

        The Day Of The Funeral

    I look down at Cordel and my Dad. They are sitting on the first pew at the funeral parlor. Everyone else has left already, and my Step Mother had to leave for work.
    Cordel isn't looking at my body. I know that this is hard for him, it is for me too. But not because I am sad I am dead. But because I can't wipe away my baby brothers tears when I need to the most.
    My Dad stands and kisses my forehead the standing slowly Cordel walks over and touches my cheek. Then turns and walks down the middle isle.
    Someone steps out from the back room and my Dad nods at them. They are going to bury me today. Right now. But my family would rather not watch. But I do.
    It's funny when you lock eyes with a living person and then in a split second they shake you off, saying it's just a shadow. That's what one of my grave diggers said when he locked eyes with me.
    I am sitting on my casket watching them dig. It's not as boring as I thought it would be. I look to my left and see Cordel and my Father making there way to the car. I lift my hand at them and Cordel glances over.
    He yells then, "Bye Marrigold! I love you, and I will see you again some day! I promise."With that they leave.

    I watch them bury me and sadly I can't watch them put the headstone. I would rather not see the dates and loving words. Not just yet.

    So as Cordel said he did see me again, but not for some time. I did visit him. All the time. But he never knew. I watched him grow up and I am so proud.
    My Dad and my Step Mom joined me together. Gas leak in the house twenty years after my death. It was painless.
    Cordel though. He took a long time to meet me again. He lived to be seventy eight. Had three kids of his own, and five grand kids. He had the most beautiful wife of fourth nine years. She surpassed him though, living five more years without him.

    You know its funny. When your dead time kinda stands still. Your frozen in that image of yourself that you loved the most and everyone you love, you are surrounded by them.
    Peace isnt guaranteed in death, because when you die you live on. You have a new life, a life awaiting you. But the best part is, this one doesn't have to end.

          Taken By Surprise
                   The End

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