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It was time for the entrance exam of UA. The 6 were getting ready to go. "you are sure, we are going to be in the same class?" asked Ochaco. "Yes, if we all work together and help eeachother, Nezu would be dumb not to put us together." replied Izuku. "Again. Izuku is Yamamoto Rei. Tenya is Sato Yasuhiro. Sho is Kaneko Kame. Ochaco is Enomoto Yukiko. Tsu is Moikawa Azumi and i am Miki Minori." stated Shinso before the group left the base. It was never said hat they couldn't work together in the explanation of the entrance exam. 

the group sat together during the persentaion, having finished the written exam earlier than other participants. It actauly suprised Aizawa, who was watching over ther written exam. They went together to the fake city and chatted. They panned how to take the robots down. One of the kids came up to them. "Just so you know, you can't work together." the teenager said full of confidence. "Says who? during the presentation, Present Mic never said we couldn't work together. It also isn't listed as a rule anywhere and a hero always does everything he can. We know that alone, it could be hard for some of us, so we work together to minemalis the chance of a 'Villian' rampaging free." replied Izuku. The teenager just left. 

The teacher in the observation were impersed. "Can someone look the kids up?" asked Aizawa intressted in the group. Power Loader pulled their entrance fomulars up. "Yamamoto, the green hair boy and Miki, the light lilac haired one have mental quirks. The brunette girl is Enomoto, who has a passiv quirk, not really suited for fighting. The other girl has a mutant quirk. The white haird boy can creat ice. Oh and look at that the last boy of the group has simalar mutant quirk as Igenium." said Power Loader. "Mmh if their are related somehow?" asked Midnight. "Nope his name is Sato." replied Power Loader. Nezu looked the names up in the system. "Looks like they are all orphans. They were raised by a women that now owns a orphanage, but each of them kept their surname." said Nezu. "No wonder they want to work together,let's see what they got." commented Aizawa.

"GO!" yelled Yamada. The 6 immedatly took of runningg inside at an impressive speed. "WOW!...What are you waiting for follow them!" yelled Yamada after noticing that the others examinee are still at the gate. Inside was already chaos, everywhere were robots and the 6 fought a big group. They tricked some robots to shoot each other. Others were flying because of Ochaco and were slamed down by Tsu. Todoroki froze the feet of some and Iida, Izuku and Shinso were destroying the wires in the weak spots. Izuku and Shinso looked eyes, befor grinning widly. "I don't like the look on your faces." said Todoroki to the two. "AW, come on we have a great idea." responded Shinso. "We can't stop you anymore, am i right?" asked Iida. "Yipe!" exclaimed Izuku. "Well, than the least we can do is to watch your backs." said Tsu. "You won't be disapointed." replied Shinso. Shinso and Izuku both climbed on a three pointer. "Ok... Keep the other roboter away from our crackheads!" exclaimed iida noticing roboterrs coming closer. Izuku and Shinso acessed the contrale panel and programed the robots new. Now the two robots were under their controle. "Finished!" both yelled. They began to attack the other robots with their own. The other 4 were laughing laying on the floor needing a short break. The other examinee were staring at the 2 crackheads on robots. "What the fuck?!" screamed one. Izuku and Shinso laughed like a maniac.

"You are seeing the same thing, i do?" asked Snipe. "Yes! " resonded Midnight. "Aizawa, you going to have interessting students this year." said Nezu and Aizawa groaned. "Damn look at their scores!" exclaimed Midnight. "Look the two on the robots are attacking, while the others either help them or other examinees." stated Yamada pointing at the screen. "Looks like they are going to break the school record in this." commented Nezu. "Let's see how those teenagers ar going to handle the zero pointer!" added Nezu and having a creepy laughing fit. HE hit the red button.

"What the heck?!" yelled Todoroki. The ground shaked. "It's the Zero Pointer!" shouted Izuku. Many of the other examinees were panicing and ran away. The group stood on a building and watched from above. They heared a yelp and their heads snapped to the zero pointer. "There are people stuck! Yukiko use your quirk on us, Yasu bring us ther as fast as you can. Kame use sour ice then to stop the robot or slow him down as best as you can, i will go on hit and cut the wires in it's neck! Help the others to get away as soon a you can!" ordered Izuku. The other nodded and did as planed. In a short amount of time the robot was shut down. The 6 help the injured ones to away from the robot. Izuku and Ochaco did first aid as best as they could, while the others kept on helping the ones that got stucked.

"What the hell?!" shouted Power Loader. The teachers were impressed by the 6. "That is better teamwork than some heros have, damn!" exclaimed Midnight. "Wow. they are something else." said Snipe. "They have the curage to run into danger and have the inteleginet to make at least a plan before they act. i am suprised by Yamamoto, he came up with the plan pretty quick." muttered Aizawa. "Yeah not only that, but how fast they did it. They are pretty good." said Yamada. Nezu was suprised too, it was the first time that a group took down the zero pointer. "Look at the serroundings, Kaneko used his ice to stabilise the broken buldings, stopping them to crash down on the others. They even attened the injured and don't leave them alone after saving them. They are waiting for more expierence ones?" said Nezu. Just then they saw the group getting up and writte something on the ground with a broken pipe."Could you please sent someone to help the injured ones, we know that you are watching." read Power Loader out loud. "Recovery girl, Eraserhead and Ectoplasma go and help the kids. Oh and Present Mic i think the exames are over." said Nezu. 

"TIME IS UP!" yelled Yamada to the examinees. Everyone went away exept for the 6 who stayed behind with the injured ones, who couldn't walk. It was only two, who couldn't walk, still the group waited with themand talked with them. "Oh Dear, why are you still here?" asked gecovery Girl, the 6. "Oh, we stayed with them since thei are injured and talked with them to distract them from their pain." said Izuku. "It looks like Oijro broke is ankle and Hagakuro injurd her knee, but i think it is only sprained. I am not sure tho, i just guessed it and tried to make selfmade cast, so it doesn't get worser." added Ochaco. "My, you did good." complimented Recovery Girl. "We are her to get them in the infirmary, but i have a question for you. How are you able to to work like you did this already?" asked Aizawa. "We trained hard and trust each others with our live. Rei has a analyse quirk ,because of this he came up with the best plan to act." answered Shinso. "Okay, well you get your results in two weeks and you should go now." said Aizawa and went to pick up one of the injured ones. The group said their goodbye and left.

Back in the base, they all started to laugh. "I think we went a bit over board!" exclaimed Izuku. "You are  one to talk, you and Hito took over a robot each and laughed like maniacs!" retorted Ochaco. "And we do it again!" exclaimed Shinso. "How much we must have shocked the teachers by doing that?" wondered Izuku. "We don't know, but the other examinees were scared shitless because of that!" commented Iida. "You can't blame them, they looked like psychos on a murder trip!" exclaimed Tsu. "True,but it was halarious to watch it go down!" stated Todoroki. The whole group laughed agian remembering the faces of the others.  They watched movie and relaxed the rest of the day. 

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