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The heros returned to UA after the members of lost ones retreated and took the 6 critical injured with them. It was silent and worried about the 6. Nezu held a meeting to talk about what happened and how to go on from now on. "The three blew themself up to kill All for One and there for saving people." stated Nezu and saw Aizawa flinch a bit. "You know more, do  you?" asked Nezu. "Well, i was there when they healed the 6 and the other three, that got injured by a nomu, had bombs like the ones used on them. The whole group was ready to kill themself to defeat All for One." answered Aizawa. "What the.. That is pretty messed up." commented Rock Lock. the hero's were silent and thinking about the teens readyyto give up their live to safe others. "Anyways, we saw that they have a few with healing quirks and a few that can boost the quirk of others. We saw how delicated the memebers are to save inocent civilians. What gives us the question why do they not trust heros. We know that three of the leaders were wronged by heros, but that doesn't explain the hostility some have against us." said Nezu. The door swung open and there stood class 1-A and 1-B. "We know that not only the three leaders where wronged by heros, but there are others in the lost ones that were even hurt by heros or lost  everything because of them. We met one when we were out in the woods to train. Shiro is her codename. She was raped by a hero and nearly killed if it wasn't for one of the leaders. We also know from own expierence with them that some of the members got dangerously close to dieing because of heros, trying to catch them. The heros after them that nearly kill them are mostly in it for the fame or money." explained Kendo stepping infront of the students. "Intressting... You don't happened to come across Shiro on the day of the battle in Kamino, did you?" questioned Nezu. "You are correct.It was the reason why we wanted to talk to you." answered Momo. "Own expierence?" questioned Ms. Joke. "Kendo and I were once rescued by the lost ones from our abusive families. No one care, because out parents were owning big companys. They got destroyed by the lost ones, who digged a bit and found dirt on them." answered Monoma. "Can you tell us about the condition of the leaders?" asked  Midnight. "All we know is that they are at least some what alive." asnwered Kendo. "What is that supossed to mean?" asked Aizawa. "When one of the fighting members dies, a message get sent to everyone in the city and it will geet shown when you try to contact them with a paidger. We still hadn't have the messeage and if we go to contact one of them, they are not answering but we can still contact them. In short they are most likely still alive, but unconciuos." explained Kendo. The heros were relived but still worried. "Can't you contact others that could say how they are?" asked Vlad King. "Sadly no. We don't know who is treating them or in which medic base they are. Because we are not part of their teams we don't get the condition told." answered Monoma. "Well, all of the team members are in treatment, so shouldn't be there an exeption?" questioned Yamada. "Oh, uhm.. Every leader has a own team, too. The leaders work together on extrem dangerous missions, but normaly they have a team they lead for missions or patrols." said Kendo. "How do you know?" asked Nezu. "We both were taken out of our familys by a team lead by one leader. I was resued by Sis's teams and Monoma by Mirale's team. That's how we know." explained Kendo. "Are the teams from the leaders speciale?" asked Aizawa intressted. "No,not really. That is a rule too. No matter which team it is. The team has to have atleast one member of each department. There is another department that is exepted by this rule. It's the specials. The teams from the leaders are part of the specials and trained by the leaders to be able to take charge in diffrent parts of Lost ones." answered Monoma. "Specials? we never heard of them. What is there porpuse?" asked Nezu. "Well, from what we learned about the lost ones is that specials are people that have expierens in all departments and have benn trained in all of them. They are like the elite of the lost ones. At least the ones fighting and on the front lines." answered Kendo. "What are the parts they are meant to take charge of?" questioned Gran torino. "In every team of the 6, is one that is  meant to take the place as leaders, which would meant they are going to be head of a department, if the one that trains them is unable to contiune. At least one that is meant to trains the newbies later on. All of each team, is meant to train the specials after they have finished learning under the leaders or the leaders are not capable to train at the moment or ever again. That is a diffrence from other departments. The specials have six incharge of them, while the other only have one. At the moment they are the ones in charge of the lost ones and their departments. Oh and every team of specials have to watch out for the orphans. The leaders are specials and in charge of one department and the specials." explained Kendo. The room went silent, because the students were suprised and amazed and the heros stunned, shocked and not knowing how to react to this. 

"Why didn't Izuku tell us about the specials, when he told us about the lost ones?" questioned Yamada. Everyone was thinking for a reason. "He didn't , because they are like their last resort." sated Nezu. "Yes and no. They are our elites that are on the most dangerous missions. They go undercover everywhere, which encludes school, where we suspect attacks to be happening." stated a voice behind the students. "Who are you?" asked Nezu. "We are the next leaders and are currently in charge till our real leaders recover. We came to thank a few heros that helped us and because there are missing some of the hidden support items of our leaders." stated the one in blue/black. "Aki?" asked Kendo shocked. "You know him?" asked Vlad King suprised. "Yes, she knows me, because i am part of the team that rescued her and i trained her plus Monoma a while back, before they came to UA." answered Aki. "Can you give us your names?" asked Aizawa.  The six temporary leaders stood in line. "Codename Aki." said Aki, dressed in dark blue fading into black. "Code name Shiro." said a girl wearing a dark red fading into black jacket and the rest of her chlothes following the muster. "Codename Neko." stated a girl wearing a dark grey jacket fading into black, same with the rest of her outfit. She had cat like hears on her hood."Codename Blaze" said a guy wearing dark lilac fading into black."Codename Axe." stated a guy in emerald green to black fading outfit. "Codename Nox." stated a girl in teal blue fadding to balck outfit. 

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