{ Chapter 17 }

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Xavier POV

Have you ever been put in a situation where you have no idea what to do?

Well, I'm in that situation right now.

Sitting in front of me, dripping wet from the rain outside, was Tara. Tara as in Kesley's little sister. Not only was she soaked, she was also sobbing her eyes out.

I sat on the 2 seater couch unsure of what to do. After a couple more minutes Tara's sobs finally quieted down and her shoulders stopped shaking as much. I stood up and went to kneel in front of her.

Reaching towards the hand that was laying loosely in her lap, I grabbed it and squeezed it; hoping to send her some comfort.

"Tara...what's wrong? " I quietly whispered to her, worried that if I spoke to loud I'd send her into a frenzie of tears again.

Tara sniffled, taking the hand I wasn't holding to wipe a stray tear before she replied. "It's a long story." Hiccup. "I-i went to v-visit m-my pare-" She stopped explaining to take a deep breath as her voice had started to shake, indicating that she was about to cry again. "My parents and w-we don't have a g-good r-relationship. They always pre-prefered Kesley to me, b-but usually they leave me alone so i-it doesn't bother me as much." Hiccup, hiccup.

"But after K-kesley went on that da-ate with G-greg they came back a-and started t-to insult m-me cause I'm still s-single." She inhaled deeply before continuing. "They always d-do this, K-kesley is more p-perfect in their e-eyes. I t-try to please t-them but I-i'm never g-good enough."

As she told her story I continuously rubbed the back of her hand with my thumb, squeezeing it every so often. Once she stopped I couldn't help but feel so sad for her, the fact that she had to live with that, grow up with that. I couldn't imagine living like that.

"Do you want me to make you some tea?" I asked her, standing up I let go of her hand. She nodded looking a bit uncertain. "Hmm, well OK. You can go and wash off? The washroom is down that hallway and the first door on the left." I told her, pointing to the washroom.

She nodded once again, standing up before following my directions. She slowed down a little once she reached the hallway, turning halfway to look at me over her shoulder she spoke. "Thanks Xave, this means more to me than you can imagine." She said it quietly and I could hardly hear her but I did hear the geninue gratitude in her voice, and upon hearing that I couldn't help but grin in her direction.


Shortly after making Tara's tea I went and grabbed her one of my T-shirts with a size too small pair of sweatpants to wear. I had left them on the bathroom counter top. After doing all that I sat on the couch watching the news; they were reporting the whole 'What colour is this dress?' thing. Obviously there were two different pictures one of which the dress was white and gold and the other (the original) where it was black and blue.

"This is so dumb? Who cares what colour some dress is, we could do better things; like eat. " Tara's voice rang out from behind me. I turned to look at her, completely agreeing.

"People have nothing better to do with their lives I guess." I replied laughing slightly. "Your tea is in the microwave by the way. If you want you can grab some cookies or something to go along with it. " I told her.

She nodded and walked into the kitchen returning a couple minutes later. She sat down next to me a bit apprehensively but I threw her a reassuring smile. "So, you wanna watch a movie?" I asked her after a minute or two filled with silence.

She agreed. "Sure, do you have Legally Blonde? " She asked me curiously.

"Yeah," I replied, blushing slightly. "I actually really like that movie, it's definitely one of my favorites."

She grinned, "Same! Let's watch it? " She said.

I agreed, setting down the tea I was drinking on the brown pear shaped coffee table and went towards the TV putting the movie in. I returned to the couch, grabbing my tea and getting comfy. From the corner of my eye I could see Tara doing the same.

She seemed more comfortable and happier compared to when she was first sitting on this couch, but that doesn't explain some things, like why she came here instead of Kesley's.

Guess I'll have to find out...


A/N: hey guyssss sorry for not uploading last weekend (if I didn't mention this I'm trying to post at least each weekend) but I.... OK I have no actually reason I just didn't feel like it soooooo I didn't? Lool

Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I know it's short but I have some interesting things I wanna add but I can't expose it all at once right???

What do you think Xavier's going to find out? Maybe she's a drug dealer lool?

Anyone figure out what Greg's plan is? Or have an idea on what it is?

Has anyone noticed how Ayana is MIA? She'll be back soon though.... if that's a good thing or not we don't know yet.

Hope you enjoy.





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