{ Chapter 32 }

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Kelsey's POV

I stared at the now empty doorway, not sure how to feel. I was wronged unknowingly and in the process hurt someone who meant a lot to me. I bit my bottom lip,turning away I looked at Tara. She had a concerned look, reaching out to me she gave my arm a squeeze. "Let's go. Jimmy doesn't like people being late." She muttered. I didn't say anything just began to climb the stairs. Although I didn't look back at her, I could hear her boots hitting the steps behind me.

We reached the top of the steps and I turned to look at her. "Where to?" I mumbled, still not up for talking after the encounter with Xavier and Tracey. Not bothering to reply, Tara just started to walk to the last door on the left.

She knocked on the door in a rhythmic pattern. A code of some source. "Come in." A deep voice spoke. I couldn't help but wonder who this person was, and how my little sister came across him. We walked in the dimly lit room, it was bare and cold. Definitely not somewhere you'd call home. There was a man sitting behind a desk his face hidden in the shadows.

He let out a deep chuckle."Tara? How nice, you came to see me once again?" He leaned forward, his face still hidden, and folded his hands together.Looking at my sister from the corner of my eye, I questioned why she would need to come here more than once.

Tara kept a blank face. " I need you're help..again." She spoke, her voice loud and clear but anyone could see she was nervous, or at least I could, her bottom lip trembled just the slightest bit and her tightly clasped hands were shaking just the slightest bit.

The man leaned forward more,finally exposing his face. His features were sharp, a strong jaw and sharp cheek bones. Lips full and pink that were brought out by his snowy pale skin, he was a beautiful man despite his cold aura. If you looked into his navy blue eyes it seemed as though they were drilling a hole in your soul, it felt as though he knew every little secret you held. Even the ones you didn't allow yourself to admit. His dark ebony hair was a stark contrast to his pale skin, it was silky and appeared smooth. Without a doubt I knew his hair would feel like running water through my fingers.

He grinned, which I thought would be sinister and cold was soft and amused. "My help? Once again. You flatter me lil ma." He replied, eyebrows raised in a cocky manner. Tara rolled her eyes, before gesturing to me. The man frowned, he gave me a curious stare. "Well, who might this be?"He asked.

He seemed nice enough, but never judge a book by it's cover. Giving him a subtle once over I replied."Tara's older sister. Kesley."

His brows raised before he glared. "Get out!" He growled. My eyes widened in shock, what? He rose from his chair revealing his towering and powerful frame. "Did you not hear me? I said. GET. OUT." As he spoke he leaning his hands flat on the desk, his muscles bulging, making him twice as more intimidating.

Tara stumbled as she began to walk backwards. "W-what? But I need your help? W-why?" She asked.Jimmy glared right at me.

"You're sister had wronged my family and I would never, ever, help a foe." He growled.

I shook my head, "No, there has to be a mistake. I came here for the first time ever. I've never met your family." I tried to explain.

His glare deepened. "Don't try to lie. You know full and well what you did to my baby sister Tracey and her friend." He walked out from behind his desk and before either of us could say anything opened the door and pushed us out. I was shocked to say the least, Tracey never said anything about having any siblings.

I turned to Tara to tell her something but she just put her hand up. "Greg is way ahead of us in the game. We need a way to stop him, but it has to work. We have no other option, okay?" She asked me. I just nodded, before walking down the stairs. When did my life get so hectic?


Tara and I sat at her kitchen table, brainstorming how we were supposed to fix this problem. I had come up with a few ideas but nothing seemed to work. Sighing I let my head bang on the table. "Tara there is no hope! Nothing we thought of has been helpful, how are we supposed to stop Xavier and Tracey from hating me forever? How are we supposed to stop Greg from ruining Xavier's career while blaming me for it? What are we supposed to do?"I wailed.

Tara didn't say anything for awhile so I lifted my head to look at her. She was just staring into space while biting her lip. "Tara?" I muttered, waving a hand in her face. She snapped out of whatever daze she was in and focused on me again.

"I may have an idea." She mumbled. I sat up straighter, giving her my full and undivided attention. Giving her a go ahead sign, I waited. 

"Since all our ideas are a flop, maybe we should just go straight to the source of out problems?" She began. Greg, I thought. "Greg. We'll go back to your house and just act like nothings wrong, we'll find out as much information as we can and use that information to tell Xavier and Tracey to have them on our side and then...we'll figure it out from there." She finished, I gave her a look.

"The beginning of that idea was great...but then you reached the end and it went downhill." I began, Tara's face fell. "But! It's all we have and its half decent so, it will have to do." I finished.

Tara just glared, "Now that we have an idea, I think a break is needed." She said turning on the TV. I nodded in agreement before turning to see what we were watching and nearly lost my jaw.

There on All Star Info,was a story about how I, Kelsey Jean-Baptist ruined Xavier France's career. And who else would tell the story but the girl who hated me the most right now? Tracy.

There goes getting her on my side. What am I going to do now?

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