{ Chapter 29 }

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Kesley's POV

Me and Tara sat in my favorite cafe, Delisuex, I was unsure on how I would be able to tell her what was going on. How do you tell your younger sister that the boyfriend you thought loved you is just using you for revenge? "Tara, I found out some things about Greg. And they weren't good things," I sighed, my grip tightening on my cup. Tara gave me a curious look. "It turns out that he was just using me to ruin Xavier's life, he wanted me to turn away from Xavier, to ruin our friendship. That was his first step, taking away his closest friend, then he planned on ruining Xavier's career by spreading a rumor that would get him fired." I just said it all at once.

Tara looked at me, eyes wide and her mouth shaped like an 'o'. "Um, well that's not something you hear everyday." She said, scratching her head. "Well, how did you figure all of this out?" She pushed her now empty cup to the side and leaned forward.

I pulled out the phone book, and shook it in her face. "I though it was his phone book, but I found it in the kitchen cabinet. I was wondering why it was there and not with him, so I opened it up and read it. What I found was basically what I just summarized to you." I explained, handing Tara the thing.

She gave it a curious glance, flipping through the pages. "Wait you found it in the kitchen cabinet?" She asked. I nodded in response, taking a sip of my cappuccino. Tara furrowed her brows. "Isn't that a bit strange? It could of been, on the kitchen table, the night stand. But in a kitchen cabinet of all possible places."  I frowned, she was right, it was a strange place to find something as mundane as a phone book. There was no way it was an accident either, Greg was a clean freak. Everything has a place, and in that place is everything. Was his motto.

"You're right, Greg never misplaces anything. Do you think it was put there on purpose?" I questioned, running my hands down my face in worry. Tara frowned, handing me back the phone book.

"I think, considering all the things Greg has planned and how well he executed it, there are only two conclusions. Greg planted it and has something in store for you or someone else other than Greg knows about it and planted it there." She explained, waving over the waitress to pay our bill.

Tara and I stood up to leave, turning to look at her as I held the door open. "But who could it be?" I asked, racking my brain at the possibilities. Tara shrugged.

"I'm not sure but I think I might have a theory and someone who can help us with it." Tara grimaced. I raised an eyebrow curious. Stopping in front of Tara's car, I crossed my arms. "And who would that be?" I questioned.

"Kesley, I think its time you meet an old friend of mine. Jimmy." And with that we got in the car ad drove off to wherever Jimmy lived.

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Xavier POV

When Tracey pulled into the sketchy part of town, I was starting to worry about what my manager did when she wasn't managing me. Rubbing the back of my neck, I looked around nervously as we passed these unfamiliar surroundings. "Um, Tracey are you sure this is where we need to be?" I asked, cringing when we drove past a group of thugs who seemed to start right through our tinted windows and straight at me.

Tracey just nodded, not even turning to face me. After a few more twist and turns, a couple of more penetrating death stares, we were finally wherever it is we needed to be. We stepped out of the car in front of a more put together building. It was made of bricks, with two huge windows near the doors. There were steps leading to the door, although the exterior was appealing to the eye, it still didn't put me at ease.

"Here we are." Tracey opened her arms as though she was showcasing it. Tracey started to walk towards the door and I warily followed. Once we reached the door, it opened wide, and a head popped out.  He had ginger hair and green eyes, he gave me a curious glance. "Who is this?"

Tracey just rolled her eyes, "Relax, Clarke he's a friend and he needs Jimmy's help." She told him before walking inside. Unsure if I should follow or not I stood there, with Clarke giving me an amused smirk. "Xavier, don't just stand around, get in here. Its your career I'm trying to save." She called out to me.

I rolled my eyes, and entered the building, but not without giving the Clarke kid a glare. "Yes, mother. I'll be right there." I replied sarcastically as I finally reached Tracey, who was standing at the end of the stairs.

"Lets go, Jimmy isn't the most welcoming person to be around." She turned back and began to walk down the hallway. I shortly followed, once I reached the top of the stairs. I saw a glimpse of Tracey walking into the third door on the right. I headed in her direction but before I could reach her I heard a familiar voice.

"Tara, are you sure this place is the right one?" Kesley, it had to be her, her voice was to unique to be replicated, but what was she doing here?

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