Chapter 34

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Updating Schedule : Tuesday and Thursday

Kesley's POV

After seeing what happened on the TV with Tracey, it seemed like every other agent, manager, movie director; you name it, couldn't stop contacting me. I wanted to kick start my career, but who knew the best way to do that was to ruin someone else's career.

But I didn't do it.

I sighed, walking into the bathroom. This isn't what I wanted, I stared at the girl in the mirror and it wasn't me. My hair was pulled back and it had lost it's luster and shine. My eyes were dull and tired, the stress of this situation had taken a toll on me. This isn't who I am. All my life I had a fire inside me, a burning desire to be somebody and I wouldn't let anyone take that away from me.

So, why did I let myself become my greatest enemy?

I gripped the bathroom counter.When this whole thing started I never knew that the one thing I wanted would be the one thing I hated. Xavier hates me, Tracey hates me, heck all of America hates me. Living in the spotlight took away the things that I cared about. I took a deep breath, my head dropping as I stared at my hands, tears starting to blur my vision. I want my old life back.

"Kes? You okay in there?"Tara knocked on the bathroom door. I looked up at my tired and sad face before sighing. I tried to keep my voice empty, void of the emotions I was feeling.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I replied back, I don't think she was convinced because I sounded anything but fine.

"Are you sure?" She asked,sounding concerned. I shook my head smirking slightly, I knew she wouldn't believe it. She always knew how I was really feeling.

"Yup! I am a okay sis." I chirped back, it was forced and I hoped that it was believable because I felt like I was going to break. All that I had ever wanted had been given to me, but with every gift, there's a curse.

I heard shuffling from the bathroom door, I assumed that it was Tara leaving but what I heard was not something I expected. "Ayana? What are you doing here?"Tara's confused voice rang through the door.

I frowned, I hadn't seen Ayana since the BBQ at Xavier's cabin. After that she just dropped me out of her life, what does she want now? Curiosity getting the best of me, I walk out of the bathroom and into the living room. Sure enough,standing at the door in front of a confused and worried Tara was an anxious and scared Ayana.

"What do you want?" I asked, not bothering with pleasantries. I mean she drop kicked me out of her life, why should I invite her back into mine.

Ayana flinched but didn't look shocked. She looked down at her fidgeting hands. "I need to talk to you guys." She spoke finally after a moment of silence.

I rolled my eyes. Tara looked over her shoulder at me, with an eyebrow raised she sent a silent question: You wanna handle this or me? I gave her a nod,telling her that I got it. I looked back at Ayana and replied "Too bad. We don't want to talk to you." I then started to turn on my heel and return to the guest room.

"Wait! I have information you want." The sound of her frantic voice made me pause for a second before shaking my head, letting her know that I didn't care. Once I took another step she said something that made me stop in my tracks and pull her into the apartment. "It's about Greg and Xavier."

* * *

Tara and I sat down facing Ayana who had yet to look up at us. "Well, are you going to tell us or not?" I finally snapped, her silence running my last nerve. Upon hearing my voice her head snapped up and she looked at me with fear and sadness in her eyes.

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