Chapter 37

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Xavier's POV

I looked down at my phone noticing that I had a message from Tara reading : SOS!!. Taking that as a sign that I needed to leave, I turned to face Greg. Giving him a fake worried look. " Greg, I go to go.My...girlfriend needs my help." I stood up, putting my phone in my back pocket. "Sorry about what happened with Kelsey. I guess you can't just trust some people." As I said that I let a bit of anger slip into my voice, Greg might of thought it was for Kelsey but it was him I was speaking about.

He just nodded and stood up behind me. "Yeah, people are never really who they say they are."

I stepped out of his apartment and gave him a small smile with a wave before turning to walk away. I glanced over my shoulder to see Greg still standing there with a strange expression, but before I could really recognize it he grinned. I faced forwards once again, glancing down at my phone to text Tara back. I'm out of the apartment. Where is Kelsey?

I sent the text just as I entered the elevator. Sighing, I ran my fingers through my hair and leaned back against the mirrored wall. "What are we even doing?" Couldn't help but ask myself.

Glancing at the numbers changing above the elevator door, I waited anxiously for the numbers to hit Lobby. As soon as it did I headed to Tara's apartment building, which was conveniently across the street from Greg's.

Or not so convenient.

Once I finally reached Tara's door, I prepared to knock. "Gosh, you took along time. Come in!" Kelsey said after pulling the door wide open before grabbing my arm and pulling me into the apartment.

I was a bit shocked but I managed to close the door behind me. "What are you going on about? I literally was only 5 minutes." I spoke as I came to stand next to Tara and her little computer set up, she sent me a quick smile before returning back to her typing.

Kelsey turned to give me a look and started to pace. "Look, Greg is on this somehow!" She began, I took a seat because I had a feeling this would be a while. "He told you that we broke up, but the thing is we didn't. I just kind of left and never came back. If he said that he must have to have planted the book.." She got lost in her thoughts as she trailed off.

I gave her a strange glance before turning back to Tara, who was staring at me funny. "What is up with her?"

Tara shrugged, leaning her arms on her knees. "She's just stressed. This is not something you do everyday, Xave." She explained as though it should have been obvious. Well it should have, I guess I was just out of it. Something about the way Greg acted and the look he had on his face worried me.

Maybe Kelsey was right. Maybe Greg knew more that he let on.


After Kelsey recovered from her mini-melt down, we sat down with Tara getting ready to check out Ayana's progress. After all the success I had with Greg, we decided that our only real hope would be to see if we could get Tracey on out side.

"So,Tracey. How do you feel about your former client, Kelsey Jean-Baptist spreading all those rumors about your best friend and client Xavier France?" Ayana asked, she was clearly nervous by the slight shake in her voice but I hoped that if Tracey noticed she would think it was due to her presence and not the fact that we were relying a lot on her success.

Tracey sighed before answering the questions. "Well, honestly I never saw it coming. Kelsey seemed like a nice and genuine girl. I saw her going far in her career and us becoming close friends but then again the saying is don't judge a book by its cover."

I cringed slightly, turning to glance at Kelsey as inconspicuous as I could be.She looked unbothered, surprisingly, out of all of us I would have thought it would be the hardest on Kelsey. Hearing that Ayana was about to reply, I turned to  back to face the screen but not before noticing the look Kelsey sent me, which let me know that I wasn't as sneaky as I thought.

"Well,do you think that you could ever forgive her? I mean if this turns out to be a misunderstanding or just a regretted jealousy fit?" She asked what seemed like the golden question.

We all sat at the edge of our seats, lip biting, hands clenched, and sleeve pulling. We anxiously awaited the answer to this question. Instead we got a loud burst of bitter laughter ringing through the speakers.

"That I think, will not be possible. No matter what Kelsey and her friends do to try and convince me that she is innocent I know shes not. No innocent person would do this, and who in the world would frame her for such a thing?" We heard some shuffling and moving around.

Ayana gasped in shock, what happened next made us do the same. "So, Ayana. Tell Kelsey to come face me instead of trying to sneak her way back into me life. And if shes listening. Kelsey, there's not enough room in my house for you to come back in my life. Some advice? Stay out of my life."

And with that we all looked at each other helplessly because what else could we do? Ayana cover is blown. Greg's up to something and is hiding something. What else could we possibly do.

Nothing but worry it seems.


A/N: Sorry for the extremely late updates but school decided that having multiple assignments at one time was cool with me. :/ But sorry for the late update I will surly return to my regular updating routine as the week begins. But I hope you enjoy this chapter!

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