Chapter 38

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Third Person POV

Final Chapter

The group of friends, or frenemies you could say, sat together in shock. After all they've went through what else were they supposed to feel?

Xavier was the first to snap out of this trance that held control of the group.Standing up a stubborn expression rested on his face. "Look guys,we might not have an idea on what to do right now but we can figure this out." He spoke, breaking the depressed silence that had once clocked the room.

After Xavier said what he needed to say, he stood quietly waiting for a reaction. Any reaction.

He didn't get one. Frowning he ran his hands through his hair, tugging slightly in frustration. Looking at a dazed Kelsey, Xavier asked. "What about you Kes? I know acting is your dream, you won't just give it up over some dumb thing, right?" He was desperate, because he didn't plan on giving up. Though it seemed as though everyone else was dead set on it.

His words managed to snap Kelsey out of her discouraged state, but not in the way he had hoped. Kelsey glared at Xavier. "Of course it's my dream, but after all this struggle and heartbreak. I think I should take my parents advice and just become a doctor." Her voice didn't sound the same.

Xavier sighed, this wasn't the Kelsey he knew, the Kelsey he knew had a fire in her. In the darkest of moments she would manage to light up the room for everyone else to see the possible answers.

Tara, who noticed that Xavier wasn't giving up, decided to speak up. "Look Xave," She stood up and reached out to grab his hand. "Just give it up. There is nothing we can do. All the odds are against us,Xavier we tried our best." Sighing Tara headed for her bedroom down the hall. "Now, I think Xave. It's time we just give up."

Xavier was at a loss of words. The two girls he thought would never back down,were doing just that. Xavier wasn't sure what he could do to change their minds, he wasn't sure he could change their minds.

Once the girls left the room and didn't make any sign of coming back, Xavier checked out the computer Tara had recorded all the conversations on.

Just because they were giving up on this, doesn't mean he would too.

* * *

Greg sat down at the local dinner where he met up with a...friend of his.

Flashing them a grin, Greg started a conversation. "Did you do what I asked?" He spoke, but his eyes weren't focused on the person he was speaking to.

They nodded. "I came alone, and followed the rules." Was the only response he got, not that he minded. This person wasn't important to Greg. They were just a useful asset to his overall plan, getting rid of any power and fame Xavier had left.

He knew what he was doing was wrong, but Greg didn't care. He had lived in Xavier's shadow for far too long. All his life he was known as, Xavier's Friend, in high school Xavier was the popular one.All the teachers loved him, he was smart and athletic so that made him quite the ladies man. He never uttered a single rude word, unless you deserved it, which made everyone like him. Popular or not.

Greg wasn't that lucky. Girls had found him too goofy or annoying. He had been close to failing all his classes, and he was known to have a potty mouth. Nothing he did made him even close to where Xavier was. Until now.

"Good. I knew I could count on you." Reaching out he caressed her face, it was only for show of course but she didn't need to know that. Taking his hand away from her face, he couldn't help the twinge of guilt he felt when he noticed the love filled smile she sent his way.

He shook it off of course. This wasn't a time for feelings or caring about others. It was a time to seek revenge on one of his closest friends."I know you've done so much for me, but I need you to do one more thing." He spoke once again.

She sat up straighter and grinned, eager to please. Reaching out to grab her hand Greg gave it a 'loving' squeeze. "I need you to infiltrate their group. Become their friends, create a bond with them so deep that when you sever it. They will have no choice but to fall apart. Ayana,I need you to break them." Greg spoke softly and sweetly, his voice seemed to caress the words that came out of it.

But the words weren't true. Greg knew that, Ayana knew that.

Reaching into her lap Ayana felt the microphone that had been previously attached to her when she went to interview Tracey, and because of that, Xavier knew too.

Ayana felt a squeeze on her hand, looking up at Greg he flashed her a sinister smile. "Don't mess it up babe. You have one job." It was all that he said before squeezing her hand to the point of immense pain.

But all she could do was nod and smile. After all who was going to help her?She was on her own.

Or so she thought.




A/N: Lol, yeah guys. It's legit the end.

....or is it?

I know you are probably thinking, what? you don't upload for a week and then give us a last chapter. Don't worry! I haven't quite abandoned ship just yet. I'm uploading the epilogue on Thursday and then next Tuesday there will be a bit of a surprise for you all.

But enough of that. I would just like to thank you all for this, all of it. I never though this book would get this popular. Really, a thousand and plus reads?!?! I'm just a girl who likes to write, I did it for fun and I still do. I just want you to know that I am soooooo sooooo thankful you allowed me to turn my hobby into something I could be proud of. You guys turned my favorite pass time into something so much more.

And it means more than you could ever guess to me.

So, thank you and lots of love and blessings are being sent your way.



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