{ Chapter 19 }

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Kesley's POV

I never would have thought I would be one of those girls that had those stupid argument things with their boyfriends on the phone.

"No, you hang up." I giggled into the phone.

He chuckled back at me. "No, you hang up."

"No you."

"Uh Uh, you."

This went on for about five minutes.

"OK, let's hang up together." I spoke into the phone.

"Good idea! On the count of three? " He replied.

"Yeah. One.. "


"Three.. "

We both hung up.

That was me, ten minutes ago. Greg sure has changed me. I would have never done or said some of the things I do now.

"Hey, where do you want me to put this box? " Speaking of things I'd never do...

"In our room, the right corner." I replied to Greg. That's right, our room. I moved out of my old apartment that I had shared with my sister and moved in with Greg.

Greg nodded before he walked into the room and put the box where I had asked. Sighing I plopped down onto our recently placed bed. "I can't believe we're living together." I mumbled, staring at the ceiling. Turning to look at Greg as he sat next to me. "Do you think we're moving to quick? I mean we've only been dating for two months and a half."

Greg shook his head, "No I don't think so, I love you and you love me. We'll make it work." He replied, taking my hand in his.

I sighed quietly to myself. I hope so too.


"Come on Tara, come back." I spoke into my cell phone as I cooked me and Greg's dinner.

"I'm not coming back." She replied, sighing into the phone.

I frowned, "Come on, please. I have a surprise for you. There has to be something that will make you come back Tara? I'll do it just, please." I tried to convince her again.

"No, nothing will make me change my mind, OK? " She held strong, sighing in exasperation.

I was starting to get frustrated. "Tara seriously come back. Where are you even now? " I frowned as a realization came over me. "Your not staying with them are you? You know what I said about hanging round with those people Tara." I spoke firmly into my phone, letting her know I was being serious.

"Whatever, call me back when you have somethig important to say." She sneered to me before hanging up the phone.

I stopped mixing the sauce. What is up with my sister.

I felt arms wrap around my waist. "What's cooking good looking?" Greg's voice spoke to me from over my shoulder.

I smiled slightly, " Spaghetti Alfredo with some grilled chicken and vegetables." I replied, turning away from the sauce to look at my bae.

No. I'm not like that.

Greg smiled down at me, "Looks absolutely ravishing. Oh, and the food sounds yummy too." He tells me with a sly smile.

I roll my eyes and laugh, "You're such a joker." I turn back around to the food, turning off the stove once I see that it's done.

Greg pulls away from me and walks to the cabinets, pulling out two tall glass cups. He sets them on the dinning room table along with the plates that were already there. "But you love me regardless."

I just shook my head, smiling. Even though Greg tells me that he loves me, I haven't really said it back. Don't get me wrong I'm feeling some type of way towards him, I'm just not sure if its love.

************After Din Din***********

"Am I a bad sister? " I mumbled to Greg as we sat cuddled up against each other on the couch.

He ran his fingers through my hair, which was a bit difficult considering that my hair was in its natural kinky state. "No, why would you say that? " He asked me.

I looked up at him, "Tara, she doesn't want to come back and she's staying somewhere and I don't know who she's with and just overall I'm extremely worried." I told him.

He 'hmm'ed. "I don't think you're a bad sister, maybe Tara's going through something where she needs to be alone." He replied, looking down at me with a soft smile. "Maybe just wait it out and see what happens I'm sure everything will be alright."

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, maybe."

What I didn't know was that he was a liar and it only went downhill from here.


A/N: hey guys I know I know super late update. You'd think that since I'm on break I'd update faster? Nope not me lol. I just was really stuck on this chapter, I didn't find a solid direction for it, I just hope it's good enough. So many ideas but I'm not sure how to effectively express them ya feel meh?

Anywhoo, enjoy guys. Hope it doesn't stink :/ and comment moree even if it's something kinda random I'd like to know what you're thinking. Haha :P





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