{ Chapter 12 }

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A/N : please ignore the last "chapter". I accidentally published it and I can't seem to get rid of it. If it's still there that is, also I don't mean an actual chapter. It's just a blank part.

That is all.  Lol.

Add on: I moved it so plz ignore this ^^^^ lol I should have just done that before


Kesley's POV

"Is it cool if a friend of mines comes over? " Xavier rubbed his hands together in what seemed like a nervous manner as he spoke. "I swear it's only for a couple of hours."

I looked up at him from my position on my bed. I had finally found my charger, after an hour of searching, I found it in my bathroom cabinet. How it got there I have yet to find out. "It's fine, as long as you keep the place clean." I replied, getting off my bed and walking towards him. "Does this mean he'll be coming with us on the trip? "

Xavier looked relived. "No, well not unless he invites himself." He scratched the back of his head, looking a bit ...pink?

I nodded, "So, is it OK if I bring a friend over around now? I wouldn't want to ruin your "bro" time or anything." I asked. I had planned on inviting my best friend, Ayana, over for some pizza and drinks. Having Xavier's friend over made things easier.

He nodded, " Oh yeah that fine, " He laughed. "You really don't need to ask my, it is your house. "

I frowned a little. "But I still want to respect your company." I replied, feeling slightly offended that he thought I was asking him permission to invite someone to my house.

Xavier just nodded and chuckled, throwing his arm over my shoulders. "Thanks for careing! Now let's order some pizza! " He shouted, moving his arm and jumping up in the air, making a 'whoop' sound.

I only shook my head laughing at his silliness, before following him out my room.


The living room was filled with laughter, music and the sounds of people chatting. The air smelled of pizza and root beer, if you had walked in you would have seen a small group of friends enjoying each others company.

Xavier laughed. "Oh, man that was hailrious! I didn't know Kesley was that crazy, she seems so calm. " He spoke to my best friend Ayana.

Ayana smiled, her long curly hair was pulled up into a neat bun. She was wearing a rose gold sparkly shirt with a pair of black skinny jeans. On her feet were a pair of cute black suede booties. "Yeah, don't let that fool you. She was louder than she is now. " Turing to look at me frowning jokingly. "What happened girl? "

I just shook my head and laughed at her. I was dressed in a red long sleeve shirt tucked in a black skater skirt paired with a red flats that were accented with a small black sparkly bow on the toes.

"You can't really talk Xave, you were pretty wild back in high school. Remember? " A semi-familiar husky voice spoke from my left, I turned to look at Xavier's friend, Greg. He was blonde with eyes so gray they were borderline white. He was wearing gray jeans with a black shirt. He sat casually on my arm chair.

When he arrived I didn't know what to expect, he looked like a bit of a serious guy but in reality he was quite the joker. Always cracking jokes, but he was a nice guy.

"It's a wonder they didn't call animal control for you." Greg raised his brows, a sly grin on his face. "Yeah, you were that wild." He said while laughing slightly.

Xavier blushed a little. He had changed since I've first met him. He was more soft now, less cold than he appeared to be. Xavier was a really sweet guy, still very blunt and a bit childish but still awesome guy. "Whatever man, we all grew up since then." He mumbled, still blushing.

Ayana just sat there enjoying the show they were putting on, giggling every once in a while.

I turned away from Greg and put my attention on Xavier, he looked more casual than he usual did, which was weird considering so far I've only seen him in a casual enviorment. He had on black skinny jeans with a red T-shirt on top of which he wore a light leather jacket.

Ayana noticed me looking at him. "He's a nice guy, where'd you find him?" I couldn't help but laugh. Both at the fact that since Ayana doesn't care about celebrities, so she didn't recognize who Xavier when she came in. I think he was a bit upset and offended.

"Its more like he found me actually, but Xavier is a nice guy. It kinda stinks that some people judge him based on the fact the he's famous. " I replied, taking a sip of my root beer.

Ayana nodded in agreement with me. "It really does. " She replied.

Our conversation was interupted by Greg and Xavier shouting out. "Let's get this party started. "

Ayana and I looked at each other and broke out in identical grins. I stood up putting my drink on the table next to my side of the couch. Letting out a huge and excited 'whoop', I started to dance my socks off.

Soon after Ayana joined me and we let loose, laughing our heads off as we continued to dance crazily.

To the side stood Xavier and Greg. Xavier looked at Greg with a faux shocked look on his face, mouth opened wide and eyes round with fake shock. "What have we done?! We've created monsters. "

Greg just shook his head and laughed, joining us on the dance floor with Xavier right behind him. We all broke out in our terrible dance moves, moving our limbs around way off beat of the music. Not only that we sang along to each song that came on, even when we clearly we didn't know the words.

It was an absolute blast, the most fun I've had in a while!

"Tonight let's get some! And live while we're young! " We all shouted on the top of our lungs and laughed at how bad we sounded. I giggled to myself, it was good to have fun.


A/N: hola guys! It's New Years Eve and I think in going to be able to upload one more time before I have to go back to school. Maybe I'll keep a promise this time?  Haha but I really do try guys. But this chapter is a bit if a filler kind of thing just wanted to give you guys something with a slight pinch of emotion, more will happen next chapter don't worry! No more blah for a little bit.

Hope you have a Happy New Year and I hope with this new year good things come your way. :)




Enjoy your New Year and this chapter!

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