{ Chapter 24 }

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Kesley POV

I bit my lip, looking into the bathroom mirror. Was I wrong? I didn't even ask the whole story..

Sighing I went back to brushing my hair and putting it up in a little 'pineapple'. After that I applied lip balm and mascara, walking back into my room I threw on a pair of shorts with a plain tank top.

As I entered the kitchen, I was greeted by a hug by Greg. Smiling, I hugged him back. "Good morning, Greg. " I spoke for the first time this morning, causing my voice to sound deeper than usual.

He pulled away with a sweet smile. "Making my favorite girl her favorite breakfast." He told me before, giving me a short peck and walked back to the stove.

"Ohh, fresh backed cinnamon buns with fruit, eggs, bacon, and a banana pineapple smoothie?" I replied, as I sat in my seat.

He turned to look at me like I was crazy. "No, cinnamon toast crunch!" He said. I laughed, shaking my head.

"Close enough." For a while we sat in comfortable silence. Me on my phone checking e-mails, —I needed to get back to work soon, making a mental note to call Tracey— and Greg finishing up with the cereal.

He sat the bowl down in front of me before taking a seat with his own bowl, before digging in. I on the other hand said a short prayer before I began to eat.

"Any plans for today?" I asked him in between some bites. Greg looked up while chewing on cereal still before he swallowed.

Nodding he answered my question. "Yes. I'm meeting up with...an old friend, to talk business and about the store." He spoke before returning to his bowl.

Nodding as my only reply, I couldn't help but notice the slight hesitantion before he said '..an old friend.' I looked down at my now slightly soggy cereal, lately Greg's been giving me a lot of suspicious vibes.

Maybe I should call Xav- No he betrayed me.

I breathed in deeply. I couldn't focus on that right now I just need to enjoy right now.

After staring at my bowl I stood up and put it in. the sink. Greg finally looked up from his bowl, as he was finished to, "Done already?" He grinned at me.

I simply gave him a small smile and nodded before leaving the kitchen.

A couple minutes later Greg walked into the living room where I was sitting to tell my goodbye.

Leaning down he gave a quick peck in the forehead. "I'll see you in about an hour or two, baby girl."

I looked up at him with a smile, "OK, don't have to much fun. Love you." I replied.

"Love you too." And with that he walked out the door and locked it.

Sighing I took a deep breath. "What am I supposed to do now? " I mumbled. Decideing since I had nothing better to do I'd catch up on the playoffs, Golden State Warriors were my team and I haven't watched the latest game.

As I watch Game 4, Warriors at Rockets, I couldn't help but feel and bit disappointed. They were losing, first quarter in and the Rockets were already in double digits.

I was really getting into the game when the doorbell rang. Jumping up I ran quickly to open the door not wanting to miss anything. Since I was in such a rush I didn't check to see who was at the door.

"Why are you jumping?" Asked the familiar voice of my younger sister. Before I wasn't paying a lot of attention to who was there, my mind more focused on the game, but now Tara had all my undivided attention.

Frowning, as I remembered who she lived with and the predicament between me and him. "What are you doing here?" I asked suspiciously, I was sure that Xavier would have told her what was going on and knowing my sister she'd side with Xavier.

"I came to visit my sister," She raised an eyebrow like it was obvious. "What? We've talked it out and you're already ready to kick me out of sight?"

I rolled my eyes and opened the door wider, indicating that she could come in. Looking over my shoulder at her I said. "Lock the door behind you, please." Before I returned to my couch, right on time for the... commercial break.

How wonderful.

Tara sat down beside me after taking off her coat, and placing her purse on the coffee table. "So, what are you doing?" She asked me.

I turned to look at her, the game still on commercial break. "I was watching the game, what made you come over, so unexpectedly?" I replied.

She grinned. "I wanted to see youu!" She sang, loudly and off pitch.

I rolled my eyes, "You are actually strange." I told her, turning back to the TV because the game was back on.

Tara also turned toward the TV, "Who's playing?" She asked, reaching for some popcorn I had set in front of me.

"Rockets versus Warriors. " I mumbled back to her in reply.

From the corner of my eyes I could see her nod. "Stephen Curry's family is so gorgeous." She told me, "Like his wife is beautiful and his daughter is so adorable beyond words. Not to mention he can definitely play basketball extremely well."

I nodded along to what she was saying because I was more focused on the game, Golden State Warriors were finally catching up to the Rockets.

"Okay, you're obviously in game mode so I'll talk later." My sister spoke after a silence of me not replying.

I laughed lightly under my breath but didn't say or do anything else. Still in my 'game mode, as she called it.

"So obsessed, can't even spend quality time together." I heard Tara mutter jokingly under her breath.

I didn't reply just smiled to myself.

Little did I know she had a secret agenda....

A/N: look at that! A longer chapter! I know my updating game has been realllll weak but I wanted to post a decent chapter or at least better than the one I posted last time.

But I didn't have the time to just sit and write dedicatedly, I'm in the middle of studying for finals and finishing big assignments so it's been quite hectic but Im glad you guys stuck through with me hopefully in the summer I'll be updating more often

And maybe in the summer I'll get I new laptop (fingers crossed) cause my last ones screen is basically shattered and I don't like writing on my phone :/

Anywhooo Hope you guys enjoyed!!!





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