{ Chapter 9 }

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(Before you read this chapter im sorry to all my haitian brothers and sisters for my terrible Creole I tried google translate but -.- it didnt work so yeaa lool)

Xavier POV

Today was the first day of my short vacation from the industry. I was excited! I had been packing up all my clothes, my electronics, basically anything essential in my life.

After packing up my stuff for 2 and a half hours, I was done. Just as I was about to sit down in my comfy looking couch, my phone rang.

Sighing I walked towards the sound of Adore You by Miley Cyrus, I amswered my phone. All the while looking longingly at my comfy, soft, empty couch.

"Hello?" I answered, running my hand through my hair, feeling a bit annoyed about being interrupted from my relaxation time.

"Xavier, it's me Tracey!" My manager exclaimed over the phone, I frowned why was she so excited.

"Uh, hey Tracey, what's up?" I replied, but didn't mention her abnormal state of happiness.

" Alright, you know how I'm managing Kesley as of now?" I 'hmm'ed in reply. "Well, today she had her first audition and guess what?" Tracey squealed.

I was walking toward the couch while Tracey explained all of this and just as I was about to sit down and guess she told me what was so exciting.

" Kesley made the audition for Silva Da Santos's up and coming show Living & Loving Diana !" Tracey squealed.

I was so shocked I stood right back up. "Incredible! Silva Da Santos is one of the most wanted to work with Director and Producer, the fact that she made her audition for her first and highly anticipated show is just. . . mind blowing!" I exclaimed over the phone. I had to go an congratulate her in person.

I looked down at my watch to see that it was only 2:30 pm, "Tracey, I'll call you back later. I've got to go." After ending the call with Tracey I made my way to the nearest Wal-Mart and bought Kelsey's favorite chocolates and a bouquet of white roses. Then headed towards Kelsey's apartment.


Knock, knock, knock.

"Who is it ?" An unfamiliar voice called from the inside of Kelsey's apartment called.

Clearing my throat slightly I replied. "It's. .uh Xavier, I'm here for Kelsey."

After a few short seconds of silence, I heard the clicking of the door unlocking before it was slowly opened to reveal a short medium toned African-American women. She didn't look anything like Kelsey so I was a bit worried if I had gotten the wrong house.

"You're Xavier France?" She questioned as she leaned on the door frame. I just nodded in reply unsure of what to say. After a few more awkward moments she let me in. "I'm Tara, Kesley's younger sister. Doubt she's mentioned me but she talkes about you a lot, come on in."

She smiled at me a bit more warmly, but I still felt awkward, so I stood in the small but homely living room unsure of what I should say or do. Just as I was about to start my fail attempt at small talk a familiar voice rang throught the apartment.

"Tara, where did you put the Coco Butter? " An exasperated Kesley walked into the room, in only a pair of shorts and a plain white oversized t-shirt with the words You Ain't Got Nothing On Me written in cursive. Kesley stopped as soon as she noticed me.

Still feeling awkward I gave a small smile and a uncomfortably stiff wave. "Hi."

Kelsey blinked. "What are you doing here?" She asked bluntly. I could feel myself start to blush, in the background I could hear Tara start to cough to cover up her laughter.

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