{ Chapter 10 }

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Kesley's POV

I woke up to the feel of something hard, warm, and soft. Rubbing my eyes, feeling a bit groggy. When I sat up I realized I had fallen asleep on Xavier. He was still sleeping, snoring lightly. His dark hair was like a hair ball on top of his head, it looked so funny or couldn't help but snicker quietly.

Not wanting to wake him up I decided to, quietly get off the couch and tip toe into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

To pour on him of course.

After filling up my cup, I ninjaed my way into the living room once again. Just as I was getting ready to pour water on Xavier, he shots straight up while saying, "What are you doing?"

I couldn't even answer. Him waking up in such an abrupt matter startled me so much that I somehow managed to spill all the water on me, instead of on him.

We sat there, both in stunned silence, before Xavier burst out laughing. "Haha...you got.. got..spilled...on you.. "He could barley speak, he was laughing so hard it left him gasping for air.

I just pouted, crossed my arms and went into the bathroom to wash myself off. Mumbling under my breath about how unfair and mean this was.

I could still hear his laughter from the bathroom, even with the door closed.

I couldn't manage to dry myself off, so I just changed into a pair of skinny gray jogging pants and a forest green hoodie. I walked out back into the living room only to find, nothing.

Xavier wasn't laying or sleeping in the couch. I suddenly heard the sound on someone moving around in the kitchen, so I assumed he was making breakfast.

I walked in the kitchen to find a wide eyed Xavier, sitting in the island with his hands crossed. "Soo, watchu' making for breakfast? "

I looked at him shocked, "Me? What about you? " I exclaimed, in mock annoyance.

He just pouted, slouching his shoulders. "But.... I can't cook.... " He spoke so quietly I didn't understand a word he said.

"What? " I asked, putting my hand behind my ear.

"I can't cook! " He cried, pouting even more than before.

I didn't say anything for awhile before I burst into laughter. Not just a measly little chuckle or two, I let out a hard and long belly laugh. "Haha, you can't cook.... Haha... O.M.G.!" I laughed for a minute or two, before I put myself together.

"How did you keep yourself alive for so long?" I spoke after my laughter subsided. "Since you don't know how to cook, I mean. "

He just frowned at me, still pouting by the way. "Tracey cooked for me sometimes, other times I just ate out or delivery."

I grinned, a great idea popping into my head. "What if I teach you a few things!" I said with excitement.

Xavier looked at me warily, like he wasn't sure if he should trust me. After he looked at me like that, he finally replied. "Okay.... "


"No! We don't need that much sugar!" I yelped, practically leaping from my previous position to take away the sugar Xavier was pouring into the mixture.

He frowned, "Why not? Sweet things are nice." He replied.

I stopped myself from slapping his forehead. "Not for plain donuts, all the sweetness mainly comes from the frosting." I said looking at him with a 'what are you thinking?' look.

His eyes widened, like he finally understood. "Oh, that makes sense."

I couldn't help but laugh, he was adorable sometimes.

"Maybe I should just watch." Xavier mumbled, sticking his fingers in the frosting before sucking it off.

I raised an eyebrow, "And maybe I should eat all 24 donuts by myself." As soon as I said this he stood up, giving me a mock salute.

"I'm helping!" He looked so worried that he wouldn't get donuts, I couldn't help but laugh.

After we finished making the batter for the donuts and frying them, we started to prepare the batter.

"Ooh, this looks really nice! " Xavier said, while looking into the bowl with awe.

I just nodded in agreement. The timer suddenly went off, looking over my shoulder I asked Xavier if he could take out the donuts. "Be careful you can't stick your hand in, OK? "

Xavier replied, "I wasn't going to but OK. "

After we frosted the donuts we sat in the living room, on the couch with a glass of milk. "What movie should we watch? " I asked Xavier looking over the stack of movies next to my flat screen TV.

Xavier looked up from his plate of donuts and replied, with his mouth full might I add. "Mordal Intrametz."

I gave him a blank look, "Next time swallow. Before you decide to reply." Despite the fact that he had a mouth full of donut I still understood. I picked of the Mortal Instruments DVD and put it in.

"Yay!" Squealed Xavier, he was extremely happy with his donuts and milk. I couldn't stop my smile, he's so cute.

Like a toddler.


A/N: Heyyy I'm back after the long wait OMG I'm sorry for not updateing but I'll try to make up for it!

I'm in winter break for the next two weeks so I'll try and update 4/5 chapters by the end of it! Hopefully this will be good cause I doubt I'll be updating anytime soon in the past month.... Cause exams —_—

But yeaaaa hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I decided to keep it simple with a little fluff ya feel meh?






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