{ Chapter 30 }

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Kelsey's POV

Tara and I entered the building, as I looked around, I couldn't help but question what a building this nice would be doing in such a shady area. "Tara, are you sure this place is the right one?" I questioned, worried that I was going to get ambushed and killed.

Tara just rolled her eyes, she seemed to be looking for someone. Curious I looked around, when we first walked in there is a huge staircase with metal railing and marble steps  in the middle of the room, to it's left is a reception type area. There was a wooden desk, although it was quite empty, and a waiting are I presumed. Looking to my right I saw what seemed to be the lounge area, it was quite the opposite of the other side of the room. Whereas the left side was organized and neat, the right side was chaotic and very messy. There were two mismatched couched, one black the other brown. A glass coffee table that was missing the glass, and a bunch of half empty water bottles lying around.

I scrunched up my nose. "These people need a maid, this place is a pigsty." I muttered, walking toward the reception area, hoping that someone would show up if I rang the bell. As I walked toward the front desk, I noticed a figure at the top of the stares. They were clearly male, I couldn't really make out who it was because they were standing in a shady area, that wasn't just this house. Shrugging my shoulders I continued on my way.

"Hello? Kelsey what do you think you're doing?" Tara asked me, sounding annoyed. I turned back to her, rolling my eyes.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm trying to find someone who can help us, do whatever it is we're here to do." I replied. I though it was kind of obvious what I was doing, I think Tara's 3.7 GPA was a fluke.

She marched over to me and grabbed my arm. "Look, Kelsey I know you are used to being in charge and whatever, but right now I know what I'm doing. You don't, so follow my lead, and be quiet." Tara demanded, glaring at me. Like I was intimidated, this girl thinks she can control me? I think not, but despite how much I wanted to protest, I complied. This place was scary enough, I didn't need the threat of possibly getting in a shout out to remind me of that.

I crossed my arms, and glared. "Whatever." I grumbled. Tara nodded, still glaring by the way.

"I though you were the younger sister Tar." An unfamiliar voice broke the silence. Tara turned around to face him, while I looked from behind her. It was a small freckled ginger haired boy, with green eyes. His hair was very curly, it kind of reminded me of the girl from the Brave movie.

Stepping out from behind Tara, I gave her a curious stare. "This is Jimmy?" I asked, gesturing toward the boys general direction. She just glared and rolled her eyes at me.

"Ohh, she knows Jimmy? Have you been talking a little to much Tara?" He questioned, with a grin. Although he was grinning, it was anything but happy. It seemed as though his eyes held a mischievous glitter. I was impressed, he had me fooled for a moment there. I thought he was a friend of my sister, but he seemed to really dislike her.

Tara just rolled her eyes. Crossing her arms she replied, "Whatever Clarke, where's Jimmy?" He gave her a nasty look, before jerking his head to the staircase.

"He's with a client, honey. So, you better get moving." He growled. Tara gave him a blank look.

"Tell him we'll be up in 5 minutes." Is all that she said before turning to the reception area and grabbed one of the chairs that were there. The ginger, also known as Clarke, threw a glare our way before he turned and left to find Jimmy.

Once Clarke was out of sight, I turned to Tara with a raised brow. "So, I sense there is something more going on here?" I spoke, breaking the tense quiet. Tara didn't even reply, she just turned and gave me a stank look. I rolled my eyes. "Rude, but whatever be that way." I sat down a couple of chairs away from her, crossing my arms. Counting down the minutes until this Clarke guy comes.

After a couple of minutes we heard the sound of someone walking down the stairs, shortly after that another set of footsteps could be heard. Assuming that it was Clarke and Jimmy, Tara and I stood up to meet them. As we got closer to the stairs, I noticed that one of the set of feet were wearing a pair of....heels? I turn slightly to Tara with a frown. "Jimmy is a girl? Who names a girl Jimmy?" I mutter under my breath.

Tara frowns, "What? No, Jimmy is 100% a boy. This isn't them." As soon as she got that sentence out of her mouth, we were standing face to face with Xavier and Tracey.

Tracey frowned, looking at us strangely. "What are you guys doing here?" She asked. I didn't answer, thinking that Tara would. Tracey was a really nice person, rarely would she sound angry at you, but why did she sound like she was disgusted to see us.

"Just some personal business." Tara replied abruptly, I guess she was still mad about what the Clarke kid had said. I nodded in agreement.

Tracey rolled her eyes, "Personal business? Ruining someone's career isn't that personal." She pushed past me, scoffing. Xavier followed soon behind her.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" I asked, extremely confused. I didn't ruin anyone's career. Tracey had already left and she didn't bother to turn around, but Xavier did. He gave me a glare.

"Stop acting like you don't know what's going on." He said, glaring. I shook my head, mouth opening and closing. I knew I didn't do anything, but they didn't even give me a chance to explain. Xavier scoffed. "Don't act like you didn't send those e-mails, and when I thought you couldn't sink any lower you used Greg's name. Why would you frame your own boyfriend?" Without giving me a chance to reply he walled away.

I turned to look at Tara with a distraught look, she frowned. "We have to talk to Jimmy now, there are some unanswered questions that need to be answered." She started to walk up the stairs, and I followed suite.

Why would Greg do this to me? I was just caught in the crossfire.

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