22: Evil Incantation?

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After their long conversation, the three went straight to Angeline's House.

"I'll be late tonight, Pa. Don't wait for me, I'll use the key below the pot," Aeiou spoke using Heather's phone.

He hanged up the call and went back to Angeline's room. The chandelier hanged above a pink bed was exquisite. It was shining in the faintest shade of pink with pink crystals around a single light bulb.  

Angeline's bedroom was surrounded by every shades of pink in every corner. 

The only different thing around was the black leather jacket and black pants laid on top of her bed neatly.

Angeline came out of the restroom wearing a floral off-shoulder top and white pants. She walked towards the bed. "You done? Here, wear this." She pointed at the clothes on the bed.

Earlier, Aeiou asked Heather and Angeline for a favor: Help him get ready for the gig somewhere else. The reason for this was because Aeiou couldn't go home as some spots on his face already turned blue. If Philip saw this, there was no peaceful from what Philip would do.

Philip could shower Aeiou with unending moral lessons or he could to school and complain about this. But none of those reasons made Aeiou worried about going home. Instead, what if Philip meets Zed at school? There was no telling what the devil incarnate would do to Philip, and Aeiou might kill somebody if someone hurts his father.

Consequently, Angeline said he'd help him get his clothes in her house, and Heather volunteered to get Aeiou some clothes, because obviously, without questions asked, there was no way Aeiou could find something wearable inside Angeline's wardrobe.

"Where's Heather?" 

"A guy came at the door wearing tuxedo, Heather called him butler and he brought these clothes. Heather told me she'd just change her clothes real quick in their mansion and come back. Let's go check your face, I'll take a look what I can do with it."

Angeline lead the way towards a chair with a table and mirror shelves. Inside each shelves were brushes and different bottles with different shades of brown individually. "I use hand mirrors to see my face when I'm doing makeup."

Aeiou gulped, he did not know anything about make up.

Angeline spoke, "Let's look for your shade first... here."

For three minutes, Angeline proceeded wiping Aeiou's face with liquids and powders that Aeiou did not know existed, and top of it, he couldn't see his face. He was unaware what he looked like.

"Angeline, I think that's too much — woah! What is that? Are you going to stab my eye?!" 

"Stay still, girl! This is an eyeliner. You have good eyes, let's emphasise it."

Aeiou pushed Angeline's hand away. Aside from being called girl, he felt like his face had a heavy load of cement on top of it now. He was pissed and he was worried when he spoke, "You better not mess with my face Angeline."

"Ha! Me? Mess your face? You're gonna look good, I promise."

Aeiou let out a sigh. Come to think of it, in truth, Angeline's makeup weren't that ugly or obnoxious. She was heavily powdered at school with white pearly foundation and uses deep dark inner eyeshadow that fades to a super light colored at the the fleek, giving her eyes a gradient glow, and if she was to compete in a pageant she'd win Best Makeup. 

The better right word to say was she was talented but Aeiou wasn't her market. Aeiou was more into natural beauty.

"Just don't make me look like you." Aeiou rest the case.

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