24: A Piggy Back Ride

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Aeiou's heavy foot steps buried on the sand.

Die. Die. Die. Die. DIE! DIE! DIE!

I'm going to let you off this time because I kissed you too. But there'll be no second chances!

Suddenly, a deep low voice called behind him, "Aeiou, don't leave."

Aeiou froze on the spot. He bit his gum and clenched his fist. He turned his head around and saw Zed's whole back laid on the sand, eyes closed, and groaning. "Mm... let me take you home, Aeiou." Aeiou frowned.

"Who's gonna go home with you?!"

"No... hic... I'll take you to your home."

Aeiou frowned even more.

Suddenly, Zed sat up. He opened half of his eyes, tilted his head, roamed it around him until his eyes met Aeiou's. Zed blinked slowly. "Don't go." He tapped both of his pockets with his hands as if looking for something. "I'll... hic... drive you... home."

Aeiou's brows frowned. At that moment, Aeiou wasn't sure if he was still talking to the Zed who used to bully him. Drive me home? But come to think of it, they low key reconciled so this maybe a very different Zed Aeiou was yet to see.

However, there was still no telling what Zed was up to. He was drunk and this was the first time he said such words to Aeiou. Aeiou raised his guard. Forget it. It's not he could actually drive that drunk.

Aeiou turned his head away and walked to the opposite direction.

"No... hic... Ah..." A thug sounded. "Aeiou... It's already late."

Aeiou continued walking and ignored Zed.

However, when Aeiou was about to step onto a pavement, a group of loud men walked past him. There were six of them. They all stopped when they saw Aeiou on their left side. They exchanged looks and laughed licentiously.

One spoke in high pitch. "Handsome."

"Let's book him."

They giggled and clapped their hands together.

Aeiou didn't need even need to ask, he already knew what they were, these group were drunk gay men who prey in young boys. Aeiou let out a sigh and said, "I'm sorry. I'm not interested."

I should walk away. But he didn't move from his spot. Let's go, Aeiou. We should move away from these creeps!

Aeiou gazed to his left and then to his right, as if waiting for a ride home. Why aren't you moving away?! Go!

One stepped forward closer until Aeiou could see the pores on his face,."You can watch straight porn while we suck you. Ack!"


A figure emerged from behind Aeiou. His body was big and his left forehead was clenched tightly that his veins were popping. Meanwhile, his right hand held the throat of the gay man who approached Aeiou. It was Zed.

Aeiou's eyes widened. "Zed?"

The remaining men jumped at Zed with fierce expressions. "Let him go!" They were brave to attack because of their number, but it was futile.

Zed effortlessly threw the person he was choking that they call Mother and punched the next man to get close to him. He repeated that to the remaining men attacking until they were on the ground bleeding from their nose.

Aeiou stayed still on his spot. He liked what Zed did. Sex offenders like these people has to be taught a lesson. Unconsciously, he was nodding and smiling; he was cheering Zed. He could actually put his fists into good use.

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