01: First Spark Of War

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ZED NUEVAS WAS a hell of a young fuckboy.

To be more specific, Zed Nuevas was a six feet tall eighteen year-old kid, with an incomparably diamond complexion, and muscular gains of someone who's been to gym for all his younger years: round biceps, wide chest, muscular legs, which was proportionally even with his long legs, long arms, and small waist. He was not too tall nor too over built. Every inch of this human being is pleasing to the eye.

One night, Zed was on a bar. He used to go to a place called the Shore Belt where the side streets were filled with bars and clubs.

For Zed, he didn't have a favorite bar, he just randomly pick. They're all the same aside from their owners and DJs anyways.

Zed snapped back to reality when someone spoke. "What drink do you want aside from that beer?" It was the bartender.

Zed was sitting in front of the bartender, with a bottle of beer on his one hand, and watching the lights bounce off from the body of countless liquors behind the bartender.


A snicker came out of the bartender's mouth. Bounce Party Mix played, and people behind Zed jumped and screaming on top of their lungs. 

The bartender who was probably in his thirties based on the wrinkles on his neck, sighed, "Ah... I wish I was also young. Just partying and not caring anything about anything. What about you, kid? You look handsome I bet you have a girlfriend."

Zed timidly answered, "None." He sipped on his beer quietly.


The music was loud, if Zed could overhear conversations it has to be very close to him just like the bartender's questions earlier. And he did hear some.

"I hate you!" The girl slammed her phone onto the table and cried, "No one loves me anymore! Wah!"

Zed looked over his right shoulder. A girl on a corner table next to him, alone, gulped beer straight from a pitcher. Her back faced Zed. Her black blouse was tied in a knot behind her white neck, her back revealed, completely exposed to the lights of the bar, giving it a silver like glow. 

Any straight guy would stare on that skin for long hours, imagining the wildest things, but Zed was an exception. He moved his eyes away like what he saw as just a regular skin.

She was good looking for sure. Zed would not deny it. So why hasn't Zed approached her, comforted her and go bang-bang with her? 

One thing about Zed, he wasn't the kind who'd exert effort to seize girls. He wasn't the type of guy who coax or coerce; he never do the first move.

After four minutes, the DJ spoke from his mic, "So? Are you guys ready to jump!" He meant to play another aggressive music.

Zed got bored. He stood from his chair and walked towards the DJ's station with a beer on his right hand while swiping his phone on the other. "Hey, play this song." Zed flashed his phone to the DJ's face.

Surprised that someone suddenly appeared beside him, disgust ran through the DJ's face. "Love You Still? I'm sorry mate, I don't know what song that is."

"Your bar doesn't have wi-fi connection to search?" It wasn't spoken loudly, but it was enough to irk the DJ.

"Our bar doesn't grant customers song requests," the DJ said fiercely. He shooed Zed away, "Go. You can go to another bar where they have bands to sing and play your weird song requests. This is not that kind of bar."

Just when the Dj finished speaking, a spotlight spotted Zed's face. What showed was a foreigner with an incredibly handsome face. The DJ shot an insecure look to Zed, moving his eyes from Zed's head to toe, "What happened to the youth of today? They're all looks, no brains."

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