Chapter 2

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I can't believe it been 2 weeks since I bought this place!! It doesn't even feel real! Since signing everything, I pretty much started getting my shop ready to open. We have 2 days left, pretty much everything is done, I just have to find a chef to help out and then get cracking on my sewing machine! I have an ad with the words "CHEF WANTED" that I have to print out and post around town. Then I have a few pieces ready, but you can never be 100% done right?

I walk around town posting my help wanted ad on posts aswell as putting it in the local newspaper, then I head back to the shop and get busy sewing some new pieces.
I finish a couple aprons and just as I'm cutting the cotton from the machine I notice it's fairly dark outside. I look at my phone and Holy shit! It's 9:36pm! I've been here for hours!
I quickly scan over the apron to make sure it's okay, fold it up and put it with the others by the body display, I turn the music off, lock up and make my way home.

It's such a beautiful night out, its August so I guess it's nearing the end of summer. It's just turning 10 o'clock as I walk in the door of my home. I flick the lights on, turn the radio on and head to the kitchen to see what I can whip up for dinner, I pour a half glass of wine and decide on poached chicken and mashed potatoes.
As I'm preparing dinner a song on the radio comes on, the voice sounds familiar and it's got a good beat to it, it's slightly heavy but not like the stuff I used to listen to. It's nice. I scroll through my social media's and by the time I'm done with it all, dinners ready.

I ate dinner on the couch, I still haven't gotten around to getting a table yet, that an a fair few other things, but I'm comfortable, it's only me right? I put The office on and watched it for a good hour or so. I wash the dishes, have a shower and got into bed.

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