Chapter 7

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I turn to the familiar voice getting out from the black car. "Chris hey! What are you doing here?" I say almost in relief that it was him. "I didn't think you should be walking home so late by yourself, and I was put anyway so I thought I'd give you a ride home." He said with that kind smile on his face. I smiled back, "Thank you, but you really didn't have to. It's nice walk, and I dont want to put you out or anything". "No really you're not, I'd feel better if I took you home." he said, and although he laughed lightly, I could tell he was being serious. "Are you sure?" I ask hesitantly, he just nodded. We got in the car, it smelt like leather and cologne, which for some reason made butterflies in my stomach. We buckled up and started to drive. "So I really do need to stop at Vinny's, did you want me to drop you off first?" I blushed in the darkness, at the thought of spending a little extra time with him. "Is my place on the way?" I ask, "No, but I don't mind". "Oh then no I'll come with if that's okay?" I smiled at the thought again. He just kept driving.

It was less than a 10 minute drive the opposite way from my house, and although it was quiet, I didn't want the 10 minutes to end. I feel comfortable in the quiet with him.
"Here we are, did you want to come in? I'm just running in to grab some shit quickly." he said unbuckling his seat belt. "Uhh, no that's okay, just tell him I said hi..." I honestly felt a little tired and I didn't really want to stay for too long, knowing Vinny he'd just keep talking.

Chris went in and within a few minutes he was back and we started on the road again. "So where are we going?" he asked heading back towards town. I gave him my address and we headed there. "What are your plans for tomorrow Katy?" he asked after a moment of silence. I had to sit and think for a minute about what I needed to do. "Well I'm going grocery shopping, than probably end up sewing some more stuff for the boutique. You?"
"I don't have too much planned, did you want me to come with you? For a ride I mean, you can't carry all your groceries across town walking." I could hear a slight smile on his lips as he ended that sentence. "Well I guess not... Only if you want to. It'd actually be nice to have some company.." oh god why I say that?!
"Then it's a date. You need a sleep in, so I'll come by around 11ish?". I blushed at the word date. "Sounds great, thank you!" I agreed. We pulled up to my home, "This is me, again. Thank you so much Chris, I'll see you tomorrow." I said unbuckling. He pulled me in to a hug, "See you tomorrow, Katy."

He waited until I got inside before pulling out and driving off. I locked the door, put my bag down and headed off to bed. Bzzz.

Chris: Goodnight x


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