Chapter 38

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Chris POV:

Two days since we left.

Two days since I was with Katy.

Two days since I said goodbye to my unborn baby.

We had our first show last night and it was fucken insane. The crowd was amazing, they sang every word to every song. The meet and greet was so awesome. Almost everyone said congratulations. I even got a few gifts from the fans. Its been pretty cool. But I miss home. I miss her. The guys have been super understanding about the whole thing. Checking in on me every so often.

I haven't heard from Katy today, she must have had a rough night last night. She's so strong, almost never complains. I just wish I could be there for her for the whole thing.

We have sound check in a half hour, our meet and greet just after and then our show an hour after that. Hopefully by then, I'll hear from her.


Katys POV:

It's been 4 months since the guys left. They should have been home but the tour got extended for another 7 weeks. They come home at the end of April now. Other than that not a whole lot has happened really. Chris has been updating me everyday on where they are, what they got up to, he's even been buying something for the baby in each state they go to. He says all the shows have been just as incredible as the last one. Hearing and seeing him so happy is amazing. He just glows. It's so nice to see. He's been making me put the phone to my growing stomach and talking to it. We decided we'll find out just after he comes home what the gender is, which is super exciting. The baby is now the size of a coconut apparently. 22 and a half weeks!!

I head to work for the afternoon, I spent the morning just pottering around, I went for a sneaky little shop for some more baby stuff.. I can't help it!

I pull up and get to work.

By the time we finish it's 4:30pm. Danielle and Crystal offer to stay back with me and help me with some sewing stuff for the boutique.

The boys say their goodbyes and leave.

We were about a half hour into it when Danielle comes over to me.

"Danielle? Is everything okay?" I look up at her. "We have to talk to you. It's about Jake." Danielle says with a worried look on her face.

"What's up?"


I'm still trying to process what the girls told me last night. I decide, who better to find out information on someone than Ryan.

Me: Hey Ryan, I hope the tours been good for you! I know it's a little random, but I need some info on someone who grew up in Scranton... Think you could help me?

Ryan: Yo, yeah it's been pretty solid. For sure, I can see what I can do. Who is it?

Me: Jake Hoffman? He works at my café. He's friends with Logan.

Ryan: Yeah I know him. Well I know his Uncle. Well my Uncle knows his Uncle... From what I know, he has a bit of a reputation, goes from girl to girl. A bit of a jerk. Why what's happened?

Me: Oh really? Oh uh, the girls at work came to me last night and said a couple things about him.

Ryan: Like what?

Me: Uh just that he got a bit too friendly at a party the 4 of them went to. They chalked it down to him being drunk, but then he tried to corner Crystal in the bathrooms at work...

Ryan: Oh shit. You know, I have heard something about him along those lines, a couple years ago. Got into a bunch of trouble with a couple guys at a party. I didn't think too much of it, cause I barely knew the guy... What are you going to do?

Me: I'm not too sure. I know I need to get rid of him. But Idk how.

Ryan: I can ask my Uncle to come by and help if you want?

Me: Thanks but I should be okay for now. But it's nice to have that option.

Ryan: I'll let him know what's up just incase. I'm sorry I gotta go to sound check now. You stay safe okay? Let me know how things go

Me: Thank you! Will do! Have a great show!! Xo

I get this horrible feeling that this isn't the first time he's tried something like this. I knew I felt creeped out by him for a reason. There's this small gut feeling that he's gotten further and gotten away with it before.

I shake the feeling and send Chris a quick text.

Me: Hey baby, have a great show! We love you so much! X

Time to sort this shit out.

Me: Hey Logan, can you talk?

Logan: Yeah, I'm just at home, what's up?

I call him.

"Hey, what's up?" he answers.

"is Jake there?"

"Na it's just me. Why?"

"I need some information about what's been going on at work."

He goes quiet for a minute.

"Well, the four of us. Me, Jake, Danny and Crystal all went to a party together just before Christmas. Then all of a sudden the girls won't come to the kitchen, they barely talk to us. It's weird. I don't know what happened." he sounds sad.

"Can you give me some more info on Jake?"

"Uh sure. He's a good friend of mine... A training chef..." he started

"No, I already know that stuff. I mean, I talked to Ryan about him and he said some stuff happened with a group of guys at some point."

"Oh, uh yeah. That. Well we were at a party a couple years ago. High school. Him and his girlfriend got into a fight, and unfortunately for him her brothers were there."

"What happened between them?" I urge on.

"She said he was forcing her to do stuff, he said she teased him or something like that."

"Oh okay. What do you think happened? Knowing him best"

"I'd say he probably did try to. He's not really one to take no for an answer but I don't know. He's a good guy, so I can't really say." he answers.

"Okay well thank you, I'm sorry I had to ask." I apologise.

"It's okay, what's with the questions?" he asks.

"Uh I think something might have happened at the party with the girls and him."

"Oh shit. Seriously?" he sounds genuinely shocked.

"Yeah but don't say anything to any of them. I'm trying to figure it all out, before I do anything okay?"

"Yeah of course. If I can help any more, let me know. I'm sorry this is happening." sounding sad again.

"Will do, thank you Logan. And don't be. I'm sure it's all a big misunderstanding." I lie.

"Yeah, we'll see..." he says trailing off.

"Okay, I'll see you later. Thank you!"


I hang up.


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