Chapter 3

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My alarm goes off, it's 7:30am. I stretch, scroll through my social media's, reply back to my sister who wants to video chat at some point today to see the shop before opening day tomorrow! I get up, have a shower and get ready for the day. I blow dry my hair, pop some curls through. I do my normal makeup, some eyeshadow, top eyeliner, mascara, light foundation and some pinkish lippy. I get dressed into a flowy navy dress and some white vans and make my way down stairs to get breakfast.

By 9 o'clock I'm heading out the door and heading to the shop to make sure everything's ready for tomorrow. As I near the café I see a tall man standing outside. "Hello!" I say as I walk up to the door smiling. He turns around "Hey, I saw your ad looking for a chef" he said smiling back. "Awesome! I'm Katy, I'm the owner" I say holding my hand out to shake, he shakes back "I'm Logan, Logan Crane."

We walk inside chatting, and sit down at the nearest table. "So Logan how long have you been a chef for?" I ask taking my seat. "4 years, I recently left my job at a restaurant across town, the hours were getting a little too much for me". "Oh neat! Well the hours here are a little different to restraunt hours. We have early mornings, I'd say probably 6am to about 4pm? Does that sound alright to you?" I can see his face light up slightly. "That sounds great!" he beams at me. "Great! Can you start tomorrow?"

Logan left about an hour ago, he signed a contract and will be starting in the morning. I answer a couple emails and start baking scones, cookies, muffins and some other little goodies for tomorrow. By the time I pop the last few muffins into the oven it's around 4pm and my phone starts to ring.
I show my sister around the café telling her all about the areas, the bookcase, the food cabinets, the kitchen, the boutique area. We chat for about half an hour and then she went quiet. "So... I don't want to rain on your parade or anything, but I have some news..." she says quietly, looking hesitant. "Yes...?" I say back. "Well, Josh and I are kind of moving into a new house. A 3 bedroom house." she says continuing with the quiet, hesitant voice. I give her a look to go on. "Well we'll have our room, Charlie's room... And then we'll have our nursery..." she says beaming at the camera. "OH MY GOD!! Really?! Oh Ash! That's so exciting! How far along are you?!"

After hearing the wonderful news about my sister, and talking more about that, I can't help but feel a little sad that I'm not there with her. But I know I'm meant to be here. I just know it.

It's starting to get dark outside, I have a big day tomorrow so I pack up, and close the shop up for the night and head home.

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