Chapter 13

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I wake up to the sun right in my face, I'm cold, on the ground with pains shooting through my head and well... everywhere else really. I look around to see my surroundings. I'm about 5ish minutes away from home, my bags thrown into the bushes, my tops been ripped and my jeans unbuttoned, and pulled down a fair way down. Oh god. Oh god please no. I try to stand, it's hurts. I reach over to my bag, and look for my phone. My first instinct was to call Chris. I dial his number, it rings once. Wait should I? Its rings twice. Oh god I can't. It's halfway through its third ring when I hang up. I stand up after what felt like a year. I pull up and do up my jeans, and pull my jacket over my top and make my way, painfully, home.

I finally get home, I felt my phone vibrate in my hand. I look to see its Chris calling. I ignore it. I slowly make my way upstairs and walk straight to the bathroom. Finally letting the tears come out. I take my clothes off, not wanting to look at myself turn the shower on and hop in before it even heats up. I want to sit, but it's hurts. I look down and see blood running down the drain with the water. I cry harder. Oh god please no!! I've never felt this kind of pain before. It's not just a physical pain. I can't describe it. I stand in the shower for what felt like hours. The water starts running cold. I get out wrap a towel around me and without looking in the mirror I walk back to my room.

Its 6:34 am on Tuesday morning.
My phones been going off every hour, all five of the guys have tried calling me. I just can't answer right now. I haven't gotten any sleep, any time I move, it's hurts. I've been in bed, in a hoodie and tights since yesterday.
I do know I won't be going into work today. I do know I need to go to the doctors.
So I call Logan and let him know I won't be in, I'm sick. Then I call and make an appointment to see a woman doctor at 11.

11 rolls around pretty fast actually. I was able to put shoes on and drive myself there. I walk into the clinic, feeling eyes on me as I do.
I let the reception know I'm here and wait for my doctor to come get me.
I waited about 5 minutes.
I walked into her office, feeling this lump in my throat I've had since I left the house start to break as I explain to her what I think happened.
She examines my body, pointing our a few bruises on my ribs, back and thighs. She said I'm lucky I don't have a concussion from the blow to my head. Then she asks to examine my lower area. I start to cry all over again. I lie on the bed, not holding back my tears and she takes a kit test.

I was there for about an hour, she prescribes me some pain killers and says she will get back to me with the test results.

I leave, ignoring the continued calls.

Chris: Katy is everything okay? X
Ricky: Hey what's going on?
Chris: Please answer your phone x
Justin: Yo the guys seem pretty stressed what's happening?
Chris: Katy? Please talk to me x
Vinny: Kkkkaty, what's the happs? Text or call us back
Ryan: Wanna answer your phone dude?
Ricky: Hello? Talkkkkk
Chris: Please, tell me that your okay.

I send a mass text saying:
Hey, I'm okay. Just busy. I miss you all x

Its been a few hours. I've taken some pain killers and they're definitely helping.
My phone starts ringing. It's the medical center. I answer.
"Katy, Hi, it's Doctor Rose here. How are you doing?"
"Hi, I just took some pain killers so I'm feeli g okayish."
"Thats great, keep them up when you need to. Now I think you might need to sit down. We got your results back Katy... I wish I could tell you it was good news, but I can't. I'm so sorry... You were raped...."

Everything after that word became a blur. I lost focus. I felt numb. I just started to cry.

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