Chapter 43

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Chris POV:

After being with the guys for a good hour or so, I feel this pull to go home. I say my goodbyes and head home.
It's quiet. "Katy? I'm home" I call out. I look around to find her. It wasn't until I got closer to our room that I heard the bath running. Of course. I head into our room to get her some fresh clothes, when I notice something on the bed. It's a letter with my name on it. I open it and read:

Im sorry I couldn't protect her. I'm sorry I've put you through this. I know everyone keeps saying it'll get better, but it's not. It's too fucking hard. I know you're angry, and you have every right to blame me. I understand, I do too. I'm so sorry I couldn't keep going. I tried. But it's just too much.
I love you so fucking much.
I just can't keep hurting you.
You need to move on from all this shit.
You can't do that if I'm still here. So I'm going to remove myself from the situation.
I love you, and I really hope you live your life the way your supposed to. Full, happy and kindly.

I love you,
Katy x

It was then that I notice water coming out of the bathroom.
I run over, try to open the door. It's locked. I kick it down as hard as I could.
The rooms flooding. I pull back the shower curtain.
"Katy!!" I yell, I pull her body out of the scarlet water. Fuck. "No baby, please! Please don't do this!" I say trying to cover the gashes in her wrists. Her body is getting colder.
I call an ambulance.
"Please baby, please stay here. I need you to stay here with me. Fuck!"
I hear the sirens coming down the road.
After a couple minutes the paramedics are here. "Sir you have to leave the room." one of them says pushing me out of the small bathroom. I watch as one tries to clot the wounds. The other trying to give her CPR. The scene is horrific. I call the only person I can think of.
"Rick. I need you. Katy... She's... She's... The bath... The water it was... Please I need you" is all I could say before hanging up. I watch as the paramedics take her body with them to the ambulance. "Where are you taking her? Is she going to be okay?" I ask. They keep moving. "We need to get her to the hospital now." one of them says as they take her out. I follow them into the ambulance.

I sit in the back of the bus, one driving the other still working on her. How could she do this?

We arrive at the hospital, they take her in, leaving me at the doors again. I feel my phone ring. "Hey, where are you?" it's Rick. "We're up at the hospital." I say trying to keep myself calm. "Okay, I'm heading your way. How's she doing?" he asks. "She's... They... They took her into the emergency room." I manage to say. "Okay, I'll be there soon. Everything's going to be okay." he says hanging up.
How will anything be ofuckingkay?
I try to sit down, like the receptionist said to. But my nerves keep making me get up.
I see Ricky come in through the doors, looking panicked.
"Whats happening?" he asks coming over to me. "I don't know. They're not telling me anything.." I say the tears coming back. "What happened?" he asked getting me to sit down. "I got home, I couldn't find her. I found a letter. She blames herself for everything. She thinks I'm mad at her for it. She wants me to move on and live a better life. I saw water coming from the bathroom. She was in the bath. It was... It was so red. She was just lying there... Her wrists... She... She opened them up so much... Ricky I... I didn't know what to do... " I cry. He just hugs me. No words. How could she do this to me, to us?

It was another hour before a doctor came out asking for me. He asked for what happened. I told him. "Well we were able to get her to respond. If she had been here even 5 minutes later, we would be having a different conversation. We were able to stitch her back up and pump her stomach. We want to put her into an induced coma for a couple days. Just to help her body heal. She's been through a lot and I don't think she would be able to recover by herself. You can come and see her." I nod and we follow him into where she is. She's paler than usual, her eyes black and sunken in. She has tubes down her throat and nose. Her chest moving. Her wrists are bandaged up. My beautiful girl is alive. That's all that matters. I go over and take her had. "Please, please be okay" I whisper. I felt Ricky's hand over my shoulder.

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