Chapter 35

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It's Christmas day!

My first official white Christmas!!
I wake Chris up, too excited, to wait for him to wake on his own. "Wake up! It's Christmas!" he just groans and rubs his eyes. "Get up, get up!!" I say getting out of bed. "Okay I'm coming." I go downstairs and look at our tree. I carefully put down the presents I hid and wait for the tall man to come downstairs. He finally comes down and pulls me in for a kiss. "Merry Christmas." he smiles. I sit him down and pass him a present. "Here you go!" he takes it, thanks me and unwraps it. His face beams when he see what it is. It a framed autographed AFI poster. He talked about it when we went out for dinner before the Halloween party. He said he's been wanting one for years. "Oh Katy, I can't believe you remembered!" he kisses me.
He passes me a small envelope and gives me a little smile, kind of sad though. I open it and..  "Oh Chris. You shouldn't have..." it's two plane tickets to New Zealand." I got them before I came home from tour. They're for just after it finishes. But now I don't know if we can, because of the baby..." he looks down. "I just wanted you to be able to see your family again, I wanted to meet them... I'm sorry". I kiss him, "Don't be! I'm sure we can ask if we can postpone our flights and maybe go when the baby's born? I love this. Thankyou so so much baby. You have no idea what this means to me." I say kissing him again. "Well I do have one other present for you... But you'll have to wait until tonight to get it. Can you do that?" he asks. I nod. "Of course I can".

We make breakfast and hot chocolates. Ricky and Vinny are coming over soon, so we make extra breakfast. Chris and I go upstairs to get dressed and ready for the day. He puts on a black long sleeve top, a hockey team Jersey, and pair of black jeans. I grab a red bodysuit, and a black knee length skirt that has little mistletoes and Holly on it, I found it last week when I was out shopping. I curl my hair and apply my usual makeup. By the time I'm done, Ricky and Vinny pull up. They come inside and we all say "Merry Christmas" to each other. "Katy can we talk quickly." Ricky pulls me to the side. "What's up?" I ask. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the way I acted. I was being a cock. Please forgive me?" I couldnt help but smile and give him a hug. "Of course Ricky, I love you!" he hugs me back.
The boys sit down, we all exchange gifts.
We sit and chat for a couple hours. They ask about the pregnancy, Vinny thinks it's going to be a boy, but Ricky and Chris think it's a girl. "I don't care, as long as they're healthy and happy." I say putting my hand over my stomach. Chris just smiles and does the same. "You two are cute" Vinny cheekily smiles.

The boys leave and we clean up a little.
I decide to video call Mum and Dad... Time for their Christmas present.
The phone rings a few times and then they answer.

"Merry day before Christmas!" I shout over the phone. "Merry white Christmas!" they shout back. I see in the background they're at my sisters. Perfect. "Do you have your gift with you?" I ask hopefully. "We sure do! Can we open it now?" I nod. Chris comes into frame to see their reaction. "Hey guys!" he waves. "Merry Christmas Chris!" they shout again.
They all unwrap the big box I sent over. Mum hands out my nieces present, she laughs excitedly. She unwraps it and finds a few little pieces of jewellery and a new dress I made her. "Oh I love it!" she says running off to try the dress on. Ash opens the new baby's present. It's a couple little booties and a little suit I made for him. She gives me a big grin. "Okay so Mum, you and Ash need to open this present together." I say taking Chris' hand.
The two of them open the box and both of them look confused.
"Oh!! Oh my god!! Are you?!" Ash clicks. She holds up the little scan photo and a mug saying "Best Aunty Ever!". "What? Are you what?" she says looking at a photo frame that says "Grandparents are the ones who say yes, when mummy says no" with the scan photo
inside. "You're going to have another grandbaby Mum!" Ash explains to her.
Mum's face lights up, "Oh my god you two!! Really? Oh!! Congratulations!" she says wiping her eyes. Chris and I both look at each other smiling at the reactions. We talk for a little while longer, then have to go.

Time to tell Chris parents.
We grab their presents and head off to their house. They've both been supportive of us and our relationship. Though I feel his Mum isn't that big a fan of mine. Chris says she likes me but still. After about half an hour of driving we pull up to their place. Chris must have sensed I was nervous and gave my hand a squeeze. We walk to the door and knock.
His Dad answers the door with a big "Merry Christmas!" we laugh and return the sentiment. He invites us in. His Mum pops out of the kitchen, "Merry Christmas you two!" she comes over to give us a hug. She squeezes Chris and then gives me a small pat on the back.
See what I mean?
We gather around the table and have lunch. I try to eat as much as I can, but unfortunately it's not a whole lot. I feel her watching me as I put my knife and fork down. "Not hungry there Katy?" she says with a little bit of a tone. I look up at Chris. "I'm sorry, we just had a bit of a big breakfast..." she just raises her eyebrow and starts talking to Chris about the tour. The three of them chat over lunch. Then the feeling of being sick kicks in. I excuse myself and go to the bathroom. Cool. Thanks baby.

When I come back they're all in the lounge by the tree. Chris pats the seat next to him and I join them. They give us each a present. Chris a scrapbook his mum has been making him filled with all his past tour stuff, early days from the band. "Oh wow, thanks guys! This is so cool!" he says flipping through it. I open mine and "Oh thank you guys! Its beautiful." I say holding up a framed picture of Chris and I from the Halloween party. I really do like it! It's probably one of the nicer photos from that night. I give them each a hug. His mum, again, pats me on the back. Annnnnd we're back.
Chris then passes them a little box, of stuff he got last night. "I know it's just the one present between you, but I think you'll love it." he explains. They both unwrap the box and look inside. His dad pulls out a top the reads "Grandpa" and his mum pulls out a little onsie that says "Don't make me tell my Nana on you", and then they pull out the scan photo.
Both of them look up and at my stomach. "You're not are you?!" I just nod. "Oh my god! I'm going to be a Nana?!" she comes over to me and gives me the biggest hug I've ever seen her give. I see Chris and his dad have a bro hug. "Congratulations you two, this is so great!" his dad says giving me a hug too. "Oh my baby's having a baby!" she says squeezing Chris. "Oh look at me, I'm crying! You made your Mom cry!" she laughs.

After all the excitement dies down, Chris and his dad go out to the garage to look at his dad's new project. I help his mum tidy up. "So that explains why you weren't eating much, and then the trip to the bathroom." she says. I just nod. "I get it! I had the worst morning sickness with Chris!" she laughs. "I don't know why they call it morning sickness, when it hits almost every hour of the day" I laugh.
"Well I'm very glad you are with us Katy. I know I've come off a little... Cold. But that's just because I'm careful of my boy. He's had his fair share of heartbreaks and I was just weary of you. But you are such a delight and you're blessing me with a beautiful grandson or daughter." she pulls me in for another hug. I feel all my tension and worry go away after that.

After a few hours it starts to get dark."Okay guys, we better head off. Thankyou for lunch and the presents!" we hug them both goodbye. "Call me when ever you need to Katy." his mum calls out. We jump in the car and head the opposite way to home. "Where are we going?" I ask Chris. "To your other present obviously" he says as if I should have known. We drive for about 10 minutes, and pull up to some woods. The snow has stopped falling and the sky cleared up just enough to see some stars joinng the sunset. We walk for a further 10 minutes into the woods. When I see Ricky, Vinny, Ryan, and Justin standing there. All but Vinny have their instruments with them. Lights turn on all around and they start playing a soft tune. "What's going on?" I look at Chris. He just kneels down onto one knee. Oh my god.
Stop it.
Holy shit.
He's not...
"Katy, I knew the moment I set eyes on you that I wanted to be apart of your life. I knew when I left for tour that first time, that I didn't want to leave your side. The first time we kissed, I felt every spark you could imagine. Fireworks went off and all I could think about was how lucky I was to be in that moment with you. When I looked at you that night in the hospital, when I found out you were pregnant, I knew... I knew I had to marry you. The love of my life. The mother of my baby. The one who has given my life purpose. So without rambling on too much longer... Will you, Katy, give me the greatest privilege of being my wife?" he pulls out a beautiful sapphire and diamond ring. "Yes! Oh god a million times yes!" I say running into his arms. He pulls away and puts the ring on my finger. "Oh Chris" I say pulling him into a kiss.

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