Chapter 36

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This week sure has been a goddamn whirlwind. Like seriously though. You'd think all the things that happened in this last week alone, would be something thats happened over the course of like a year. It's definitely given me some whiplash haha.

My new fiance and the boys fly out tomorrow. We've spent the last day telling our friends and family about our engagement. Everyone seems to be really supportive and so happy for us, it's really nice. The next thing to do is, tell the fans that he is officially off the market. This should be fun. There's a few fans that kind of guessed about us and they've been really kind. But Chris and I have tried to keep it low-key for obvious reasons. But unfortunately there comes a time when the line needs to be drawn and the fans need to know where that line is. Today's the day it gets drawn.

Chris posted a photo of the two of us that Ricky took on Christmas night, saying "I asked and she said yes! There will be a Mrs. Motionless very soon. I love you baby and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you."
Not even a minute later he was spammed with likes and comments. Most saying congratulations, I love this, that ring tho, I knew this was coming etc. But there were the odd ones saying some not so kind things. But I knew that would happen, so I'm not overly bothered. It comes with the territory right?

We spend the rest of the day off our phones. I had intended on staying in bed for the day but Mr. Wriggle bum had to get up and do atleast something. "Come on. Let's go shopping. I won't be back until the beginning of March and I don't know if I can wait that long in buying things for the baby. I want to do this with you and know that you won't be putting up a crib by yourself or even carrying the box alone. So get up, we have a big day ahead." he says kissing me, then getting out of bed.

We get dressed, and make our way for a little breakfast date. We find a little cafe on the outskirts of town and decide to go in there. I order a muesli bowl and a hot chocolate, him some pancakes and a flat white.
After breakfast we drive over to the mall. We look around at the baby furniture. It wasn't long until we found a crib we both agreed on. It was a very dark wood, in the sleigh style. It was absolutely beautiful. We agreed on it and ended up getting the matching furniture. A set of drawers and a changing table. We attempted to fit them in the car. Ha.
We ended up calling his dad to bring a trailer.
We loaded up and headed home.

We spent the rest of the day putting my sewing stuff into boxes, piling them in the car and taking them to the café. Chris did try to offer to make his office into the nursery but I had already made my mind up. He needs a space for when he gets home and that's it.
We set the furniture up and put them roughly where they were going. By the time we were done it was dinner time. "Go and get ready, we're going out for dinner." he says kissing my cheek. I nod and put on a navy blue dress, some not so high heels and a jacket.

We head out for dinner at the Keystone bar where we first met. We ordered dinner and as we were waiting, two girls came up to our table. "We're sorry for interrupting, but we both absolutely love you and were wondering if we could get a photo?" one of them asked. Chris just smiled. "Of course!", I offered to take the photo for them. Chris put his arms around the two girls and they all smiled. "Congratulations on your engagement by the way!" the other says smiling at me. The other looked away. "Thank you, and thank you for supporting the band and our music." Chris says noticing the other girls rudeness. The two girls hug him again and walk off. "Well she was a touch rude..." I say sitting back down. "Don't take any notice of it". He takes my hand with the ring, smiling.

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