Chapter 37

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I wish I could lie and say that 1 week with Chris was enough. That I'm grateful I even got to have that week with him. But right now as the tour bus leaves, I'm heartbroken. I don't want him to go and I don't want to do this without him.
I don't want him to see me cry, so I try my hardest to keep the tears, but fuck this is hard.
I know I shouldn't be selfish. His fans need him and I understand that. He needs them too, but so do I and our unborn child.

The bus left, so I decide I'm not going to go home and wallow in my self pity, and I head to work.

I make it just in time for the morning rush, and boy was I not ready. Literally a new customer every 2 minutes. I've missed a lot from not being here.

Throughout the day I notice that Danielle and Crystal don't go into the kitchen unless they absolutely have to, and Danielle got along really well with Logan. So that's weird.
But as the boss, unless one of them comes to me or something becomes more of an issue then I'll step in. Until then I guess its just on them.
I decided to close up early and take everyone out for drinks. "Alright you lot. We have so much to catch up on. We're going out for drinks! Well you are, I can't drink anything right now" I say motioning to my stomach. "Oh my god!" Logan comes over and gives me a hug hug, which then lead to Danielle and Crystal. Jake just stands there looking a little shocked. He then turned his face into a slight smile when he noticed I was looking. Still gives me a weird feeling... "That is so exciting for you and Chris! How'd he take the news?" Danielle interrupted my thoughts. "He was shocked at first but now he can't wait to be a Dad" I smile at the thought. Both girls make awwing sounds. We chat for another 5ish minutes, I ask if they could all keep it quiet for now, as we don't want the fans to know anything yet. Then we all head out. The two boys go together, Danielle and Crystal together and I by myself. Again.

We all meet at Keystone and go in together.

We get a table and order a round of drinks.

"So how was everyone's Christmas?" they all talk about their presents they got, the food they had and Logan talks about a fight between his Dad and Uncle. Sounds like a typical family Christmas to be honest. Jake stayed quiet the whole time. He would laugh every so often. But I noticed he kept his eyes on me. I haven't really worked or been around him too much so maybe that's just what he's like... But it definitely doesn't feel great.

We chat about the band, where they're going, what they playing, Danielle admits she's got a bit of a thing for Ricky, which is super cute.

We talk about the business and how things have been going. "and how have things been between the 4 of you?" I try to find out what's going on between the boys and girls. They all agree things are good. Hmmm.. That's not what I saw. But I'm not going to push it.

They order another round of drinks and a few snacks.

We were there for probably a good 2 hours just catching up and hanging out. It was good to see them, especially Logan. I missed him the most.

We decide to call it a night and head home.

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