Chapter 20

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It's been a week since she told me about what happened to her. We still have no leads on the rotten piece of shit who did it to her. She's been getting better though, I've spent the last few nights with her. On the couch obviously. It's been so nice. I haven't been like this with a girl in what feels like forever. Waking up kind of together, making breakfast, watching a movie every night before bed. It's been so nice.

I havent told her about the tour yet. There hasn't been a good time.

It's Halloween tomorrow, and as a promo kind of thing for the new tour, the band is throwing a Halloween party. We'll play a couple songs from the album, do a meet and greet and then party. So I do need to tell her before then. Maybe I'll take her out for dinner tonight. Yeah.

"Good Morning beautiful" I say as she comes down the stairs. She just gives me her weak morning smile. "So what are you doing today?" I ask her getting up to make breakfast with her. "Uh well I have to go in to work for a couple hours. Then nothing I guess. Why?" she questions reaching for a banana. "Would you maybe like to, I don't know... Go out for dinner with me tonight?" I ask feeling a little less confident than usual. "Sure, what time?" she smiles. Oh god that smile. "Around 6ish?", "That sounds great". "So I'll drop you off at work, I've got a few things I need to do for tomorrow night, text me when you're finished work. I'll pick you up and then we can get ready and go."

She gets ready for work, I clean up the kitchen and make sure everythings tidy.
"Okay, I'm ready I guess" she says coming down the stairs. I look up and even though she's just wearing jeans and a mustard top, she looks so good. "Great, let's go then".
It was a quiet drive, not uncomfortable. We had the radio playing. It was a short 5 minute drive. I kissed her forehead goodbye and she got out. "I'll see you later, have a good day" I call out to her she turns and smiles, "you too".

I head off to the hall where the party will be tomorrow. The guys are all there setting up. There's orange and black streamers to be hung up, the stage isn't set up, I could keep listing shit to do, but it's long list.
"Boys, how's it going?" I call out, they all turn and walk over to me. "Well as you can see nothings being done. How's Katy doing?" Ryan asked. "She's okay, I just dropped her off at work. I'm going to tell her tonight.." I say looking at them. "Tell her what? That you're in looove with her?" Vinny teases. "No... That we're going back on tour..." they all look at me like I'm stupid. "You haven't told her yet?" Ricky says as if he can't believe it. "Dude. We leave soon." Justin adds in. "Yeah I know, it's just been hard finding the right time". "Yet you invited her to the tour promo party?" Ricky says, still with that disbelief tone. "Dude, I'm doing it tonight. Fuck. You try finding the right fucking time. It's hard as shit man. Back off all of you." I say walking away and over to the stage. They all follow suit in finding something to do. Why the fuck is it so hard for them to just be supportive. This is going to be so goddamn hard to do.

A few hours pass, the hall is looking pretty sick if I'm honest. We've got lights going, the decorations are all up and around. We've got our tour set around the room. I'm actually pretty damn excited for this. This is one of my favourite times of year, I love touring and performing. My heart feels so full when the time to go out is soon. But at the same time now, I've got this beautiful woman in my life. I don't want to leave her. I can't take her with me, I'm scared for her. It's kind of hard, especially since we've been spending a lot of time with each other. God give me strength for tonight.


Katy: Hey, I hope you've had a good day. I'm finishing up in about 15. I'll see you soon? X - 3:47pm

Me: It's been good. Cool I'll leave now x

"Alright guys, I gotta go pick Katy up. I'll see you all tomorrow for sound check at 11." They all nod in agreement. "Good luck man" Ricky calls out. "Yeah, let us know how it goes." Justin chimes in. The other two just nod again in agreement. "Will do. Bye!" I say walking out the door. I start the car up and make my way over to her. Already my nerves are picking up. Cool I'm gonna feel like this for the rest of the night.
It wasn't long until I was in front of the shop. She see's me from inside and makes her way out. "Hey, thank you" she says getting in the car and belting up. "No worries, how was work?" I ask pulling out. "It was busy. Good I guess. I missed you though." she says putting her hand on my thigh. What? She's never done this before. I glance down thinking it can't be real. She must have seen because she quickly moved it away. "Sorry.." she said quietly. "No it's okay, I liked it." I said smiling over at her. She just gave me a small smile. The butterflies in my stomach were going wild. Could she think of me as something more than just Chris? No way. I'm reading too much into this. Jesus Christ, get ahold of yourself. Why would she be interested in you?

It went quiet for the rest of the ride back to hers. I drop her off, "I'll be over just before 6 yeah?" I say before she gets out. She just nods. I wait until I see her inside and her door close before leaving. Great. Time to get my shit sorted.

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