Chapter 32

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I wake up from what seems like a restless night. We go out for breakfast bagels and go sit outside Tiffany's. One thing we've always wanted to do, which he does regularly. Just what I needed. "So you'll be okay going home?" he asks taking a bite of his bagel. "I think so. Hopefully everything will calm down. But we'll see. I'll text you when I get home to let you know I'm home safe." taking a bite of mine. "Will you tell him?" he questions again. "I'm still not too sure."

I pull out of the car park and head home after breakfast. God give me strength.

After coming up 3 hours of driving I pull up to my driveway. There's a car there. Ricky's. I sigh, and take a minute. Then get out.
I walk up to the door and just before I open it I hear a muffled conversation.
"I'm worried man, what if she doesnt come home?"
"I'm sure she will."
"No Rick, she was so mad when she left. You even said so yourself after you called her. She's pissed."
"She'll be fine. She's probably on her way home now."
"I fucked up man. I should have just left it alone. She said she was fine and I kept going."
"Thats the thing though, she's not fine. You said she was up all night throwing up, shes barely eating, and she's constantly looking a little glazed over. There's something else going on."
"You don't think she's abusing again, do you?"

I feel tears building up after that. That hurt to hear he thinks I'm slipping again.

"She could be. Who the fuck knows. She's been acting weird, short temper which isn't normal for her..."
"I just hope she comes home. Soon".

With that I decide to walk in.

"Katy. You're home, thank god." Chris says noticing me straight away. "You should have let me know you were coming home. I was worried sick about you. Are you okay?" he grabs me and holds me in his arms. "I'm fine. I'm just tired. I'm sorry I left, I just needed some space. Time to think I guess." my voice muffled into his chest. "I think we need to talk." I say looking up at him. "We do, definitely." I look over at Ricky who's just standing there. "Hey Rick." I say offering a smile. He just looks away. "Don't mind him, he's just shitty about the way you guys talked yesterday." Seriously? "Look I'm sorry, but you had no right to talk to me that way. I'm an adult, not a child. I can make my own decisions." I say walking over to him. "No Katy, I had every goddamn right. You left without telling anyone where you were going. You ignored texts and Chris' calls. You had us worried sick about you. You won't tell anyone anything, even though you've been acting weird. You don't get to be mad at me." he yells at me. "Fuck off Ricky. This has nothing to do with you. This is between Chris and I." he rolls his eyes. "Chris is my best friend. He came to me when you fucked off, when you left to God knows where, we had no idea what you were doing, who you were seeing. For all we know you could have been shooting up something." fuck. That hurt. "How dare you. That was so fucking different. I could never do that." the tears come out. Shit. "Oh really cause now you care about what you're doing to your body? Really?" he snorts. What is his fucking issue? "Yes Ricky, I do. I have to." I say pushing past him. I'm not doing this. Not here and not with him. I run upstairs and lock my door. "Katy wait!" I hear Chris call after me.

I hear muffled voices and after about 10 minutes the door closes. Then there's a knock on my door. "Just leave me alone." I say into my pillow. Still crying. "Katy, let me in.", "No go away." I call out. "Please I just want to talk." Chris calls out. I take a deep breath. Not that it helps. I stand up and unlock the door. He opens it and just as I turn away, I start to feel faint. My vision goes blurry and I feel my legs give way. "Katy!" is the last thing I hear.

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