Chapter 17

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Chris' POV:

My heart sunk when I saw her whisper to Ricky, when he looked over at me, his face was so apologetic. He asked me to go get food? Seriously? The girl I'm falling for is breaking in front of me and he wants me to leave?

Without a word I go. I go to her café, maybe I could get some answers there?

"Hey Logan!" I call out. "Yo dude! Welcome back!" he says coming out. "Thanks man. Hey so what's been going on with Katy?" as I ask his face changes from happy to concern. "Well she kind of just stopped coming in for a while. When she did, it was only for a couple hours. She's been acting kinda weird lately. Really glazed over. Doesn't want anyone to touch her. I don't know what happened but she's definitely not herself lately. " he says with sadness lacing his words. "Hmmm, when did she start acting like that?" I ask hoping he'd have a clue. "Uhh I'd say about 2 weeks after you lot left? Give or take?" he says rubbing the back of his neck. That's about when I got that short call from her. When she stopped responding to us.

I left the café, and went and did as I was asked. My mind still trying to process what could have happened. I order our food and head back to Katys place. When I walk in they're hugging. I can't even tell you how much I wish that was me comforting her. They notice I'm back, she gives Ricky a weird look, he just nods.

We ate in silence. I tried to make a conversation, asking her how she felt. She's being so cold towards me. "Look, you guys don't have to stay with me, I'm okay. Go and get some rest from the tour. Don't worry about me." she says avoiding any eye contact with me. Really she wants us gone? What the fuck. I just clench my fists. "Fine. You want us gone, have it your way. We're just trying to help Katy. But if you don't want it, then keep going the way you are." I say standing up and storming out grabbing my keys for my car I lent her. Fuck this shit.

I drove home, went straight into my room and started writing my shit down. I just don't fucking get it. She's fucking dying, why can't she see that I just want to help her. That she's beautiful and shouldn't be this way. That I'm here to help her get through what ever the fuck is going on. I just want to be there with her.

I heard the front door close, I felt my anger start up again. I went straight out to see the guy I called my best friend, the one who knows how I feel about her, yet has no goddamn boundaries. "Have a nice fucking chat with her huh?" I say getting in his face. "Chris you know it's not like that. And actually no it wasn't a nice chat. What the fuck man, why are you getting at me about this?", "Because you know how I feel about her, how badly I want to help her and you just swoop in and save the goddamn day". "It's not like that man! She didn't want to tell you what's happened because she think you'll hate her for it, she cares so much about what you think, how you see her that she's scared you'll change your mind about who she is. I don't know why she thinks that. But she does." he says calmly. "What happened to her man? What could possibly make me hate her?" I ask pleading for him to give me something. "She asked me not to tell you. She'll tell you in her own time dude. Just be patient with her. She'll get there. I'm sorry, Its just not my place to tell you." I nod, respecting his loyalty.

We both went to bed, I sent a text through to Katy.

Me: Hey, I know you don't want to talk to me right now, I just want to say I'm sorry for the way I acted. If you don't want me to know what happened, that's okay, I respect that. I really care about you Katy, you mean so much to me and I just want the best for you. Have a good sleep beautiful. Maybe I'll see you soon x

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