Chapter 40

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I wake up to bright lights. Beeping sounds surround me. I look around and only see an older man, Ryan's Uncle sitting right next to my bed. He notices me waking up. "Hey, I'm gonna go get the nurse." He quickly leaves to find her.

How did I get here? Before I know it he comes back with a lady dressed in scrubs. She smiles kindly and asks me how I'm doing. "My baby..." is all I could get out. Her face changes almost instantly, to a sombre look. "I'll uhh, I'll go get the doctor... Can I get you anything else?" she offers. I shake my head. She walks out.
I look over to Ryan's Uncle. "I'm sorry I can't remember your name." I say. He gives a weak smile. "Robert". "Oh sorry..  Uh thank you for coming when you did. For staying with me. But uh... How did you find me? What happened?" I ask. "Well, Ryan said Chris was worried, you werent answering your phone for a while and so he asked me to look for you. He gave me your address, I went there and you weren't home. So I came by the café. It was dark but your car was there. I had a feeling you were too. That's when I started banging on the door. When I heard you yell out, I kind of... I kind of smashed a small hole in the door to get in. I'm sorry." he says looking down. "Please dont be. If it wasn't for you I'd probably still be there. Thank you so so much." I feel my tears falling. Just then the doctor walks in. "Katy, hi, how are you? I'm Doctor Shane". I nod, "Hello". "So before we get into everything. How are you feeling?" he asks. "I'm sore, I'm tired, I'm confused. What's happening. Is my baby okay?" I question. His face does the same as the nurse. It turns somber. "Can you please tell us what happened?" he asks ignoring me. I tell them exactly what happened with Jake. He writes everything down. Robert even takes hold of my hand, I didn't know I needed it until it happened. "So please... Please tell me... Is my baby okay?" I plead. "Katy... Due to the extreme force that this Jake used on you, it was, uh... It was too much for the baby. I'm sorry but your baby... Your baby didn't make it. I'm so so sorry." he kept talking but everything went quiet. Everything went numb. All I could feel was my heart break. I couldn't help but cry out. I don't care how fucking loud I am. Everything, every single part of me broke.

I called Chris to tell him. But I couldn't talk. Robert told him that he needed to come home, that I was in hospital and I needed him.

The police came to ask questions, I couldn't focus, but I gave them as much detail as I could.
After that, Doctor Shane talked me through what comes next with my baby. He gave me some medication and induced my labor. I gave birth alone, to a small little baby girl. She was beautiful. She was cold.

I was back in my room, when Chris came through the door... His face was panicked. As soon as I saw him I broke down. He came straight over to me. "Shhhh, it's going to be okay baby. It's going to be okay... What happened?" he asks holding me. I told him through sobs. We cried together. Nothing else was said.


Chris' POV:

We were driving to the next state, it was 2:30am, when I got the call. The bus was pretty quiet. The guys were all asleep. "Hello?" I answer groggily. "Chris..." is all I heard. "Katy what's happened? What's wrong? Where are you?" I ask immediately waking up. "Chris... I..." she broke down crying. "Katy! KATY! Talk to me baby! What's happened?" I beg. By this time all the guys were looking out their bunks. "Chris, this is Robert... How are you?" Ryan's Uncle?! "I'm okay, what's happened? Why is Katy with you?" I ask looking at Ryan. "Look, something really terrible has happened, and I think you need to come home. As fast as you can. I'm up at the hospital with Katy and she's really going to need you." he says. "What's happened Rob?" I ask again. "I don't think I can tell you on the phone. You just. Just get here as fast as you can. Please." he says urgently and hangs up the phone. "Ryan, why is Robert with Katy?" I ask going straight over to him. "Shit dude... I don't know. When you were worried about her last night I called and asked him to go find her. I didn't hear anything back from him so I assumed all was good. I'm sorry dude. What's going on?" he gets out of his bunk, as do the rest of them. "Well all is not good. Katys in the hospital. I have to.... I have to go. Now." I say, pulling up the next flight from the nearest airport on my phone."What's happened?" Ricky asks. "I have no fucking idea, he wouldn't tell me. All I could hear was Katy crying."

I book a flight and we head to the airport.
8 hours later I'm landing at the airport. I take a cab and head straight to the hospital. I basically run in and ask for Katys room. The receptionist tells me and I go in. As I walk through the door I see Katy lying there.. She has huge bruises and cuts on her face. She breaks down crying. I go straight over to her, "Shhhh, it's going to be okay baby. It's going to be okay... What happened?" I ask holding her in my arms.
"The baby... Our baby girl..  She... Oh Chris... I'm so sorry!" she cries out. Baby girl? It's a girl? Wait how does she know that? "Katy what's happened to her?" I ask tears filling my eyes. "S-she... She's gone... She died... I'm so sorry... It's all my fault." she cries into my chest.
My heart stopped beating. She died? We lost our baby? How did... What... My baby girl...
"Talk to me baby..." I urge on. "The girls at work told me about Jake and how he was harassing Crystal.... So I asked around about him and got the same stories... I met up with him at work and... And he... We was the one Chris..." the one what? "He raped me... In August... It was him... He said I enjoyed it... That he wanted to... He wanted to make a sibling for our baby.. Chris he... He pulled me into my office... He kept slamming me into the desk.... He pulled my jeans down and he raped me again... Then he left me alone..." she explained through heartbreaking sobs. My heart was absolutely shattered. But my blood started to boil. Not only did he kill my fucking baby, but he raped my fiance twice?! I'm going to kill him. I look down and saw her sobbing. My anger instantly leaves. My tears streaming down my face. My girls... My two girls destroyed by one man, and I wasn't here to fucking stop it.
Of course I wasn't.

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