Chapter 11

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So the guys are all leaving today, it's 4:30am and we're all at the airport. I took the morning off to see them go, I made them their favourite coffee orders.

We all said our goodbyes and just like that they were off. I felt my heart sink a little as their plane took off. But they'll be home soon, and I've got Hamish coming in the next couple days, so that will help.

Chris left me his car, and asked if I could go check on his and Ricky's house while they're away. I wasn't overly okay with him leaving me his car as it's still really strange for me driving on the other side of the road, especially in his nice car, so I take the roads as slow as I can and head to work. He left their new album in the CD player so I turn it on and let their music fill the drive. I don't know many of the lyrics but damn they can strike a chord in your heart when they want to. I pull up to work, it's busy and I see Logan looking a little stressed. "Hey, I'm here, sorry! And thank you for holding down the Fort! I owe you!" I say quickly walking in and popping my apron on. He gives me a smile of relief and goes back to the kitchen. The day seemed to have gone by so quickly, and before we knew it, it was closing time. "Okay, I owe you dinner and some mid week drinks. Where do you wanna go?" I say putting the closed sign on the door. "There's a small bar just out of the main part of town, not too far, and it's never too busy. Foods good and drinks are cheap." he said pulling his chef jacket off. "Okay, well I can pick you up just after 6 if you'd like and you can show me where we're going." he nods in agreement.

We both take off and head back home. I have a quick shower, and get dressed into a pair of black ripped jeans, some boots, a black and white spotted flowy top and a leather crop jacket. I touch up on my makeup, and throw my hair into a messy high pony. It's 5:53pm and I get two text messages.

Logan: Hey my address is 109 Blake Road. I'm ready when you are 😊 - 5:52pm

Chris: Hey you, we just landed in London. I hope you're okay, we miss you x - 5:53pm

My heart jumped a little when that text came through. I miss them to.

Me: Awesome I'll be there soon, just leaving the house now 😊

Me: I'm glad you guys made it safe. Get some sleep and we'll talk later. I miss you too x

I grab my bag and the keys and head out the door.

I arrive at Logans place. Its small, cute though and not too far from me. I text to let him know I'm here and within a couple minutes we're on the way to this little bar. We make small talk about work and the customers, what this morning was like. After a while we come across this small little bar, it's very rustic and looks like it could be cozy. We park and head on inside. It's quiet. It's nice. We get greeted by the waitress and find a table. He orders a beer and I order a coke. I'm driving and I'm already kind of bad, so I don't want to make it worse under the influence. We order our food, him a burger with fries that looks almost too big for him, and me a small snack pizza and fries. I actually kind of love this place.
We chat a little more, he tells me about his parents, his older brother who's living in California, and his little sister who's still in high school. We talk about my family and the new addition. "So we have been non stop at work lately. What would you say to us hiring an extra pair of hands?" I say. He looks up from his food and nods, "I totally agree with you. The front is so busy all the time, you barely have enough time to look after the clothes area."
So it's settled. We put an ad out tomorrow for a new barista.

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