Chapter 31

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We wake up both pretty tired from the up and downs of my stomach contents. It's 10:04am... "So what's the plan for today?" I ask him, snuggling into his torso. "Well we need to get a Christmas tree, some decorations and then you are going back to the doctors." he says sitting up. "Chris, I'm fine." I protest. "No you're not. You were up almost all night, there's something else wrong with you, than just a virus. You're going." he says looking at me with a dead serious face. "No. I've already gone, I'm not going to go back just for them to say the same damn thing. Just leave it alone." why can't he just drop this? He rolls his eyes and standing up and walks out of the room. Ugh. I fall back onto my back and silently scream. Fuck. This is so hard!

I stayed in bed for as long as I could, I could hear him stomping around the house. I swear he's just trying to make noise now. I walk down stairs. "Do you fucking have to?" I ask going into the kitchen for some water. He ignores me oh my god. "Chris?! Do you have to stomp around?" again he ignores me. Fuck this. He's being a child. I go upstairs, get dressed into some my Adidas tights, a black long sleeve top, my black puffy jacket and my boots. I throw my hair up into a pony tail and walk back down stairs. "I'll see you later." I say grabbing my bag and the car keys. Again, he ignores me. Idiot.
I get in the car, and pull out if the driveway. I drive down the road and pull over. I take my phone out and text the only person I can think of.

Me: Hey, mind if I come over? X
Hamish: Uh duh, you leaving now? X
Me: Yeah, I'll be about 2 and a half hoursish x
Hamish: No probz hun, drive safe and ill see you soon! X

I pull out onto the road again and start my drive to New York. I turn the radio on and let the music calm me down.

I'm about half way there when I get a text.

Chris: Where are you?

If he can ignore me when I'm right in front of him, then fuck it. I'll ignore him too. I don't need this bullshit right now.

My phone rings. It's Chris. I decline.

After another hour or so I'm finally here in NYC. It takes me another 45 minutes drive to where Hamish's apartment is, and park in his car spot. He doesn't have a car because, you know. Driving in the city is a nightmare.
I take a deep breath before getting out and making the climb of 5 levels of stairs.
I knock on his door when I finally get to it, trying not to throw up. "Katy!!" he opens pulling me into a tight hug. I hug him back feeling a small twing of tears forming. "Come in, come in! What's been happening?" he asks taking a seat in his fluffy couch. "Well Chris is back, and I've got a secret that I don't know if I can tell him yet..." I say feeling like a teenager gossiping. "So what's this secret you can't tell him?" Hamish asks with a look of intrigue.
"I'm uhh... I'm pregnant..." I say instinctively putting my hand over my stomach. "Shut up! No fucking way! Seriously?!" he says jumping up. "Oh my god Katy! Congratulations!! This is way exciting! Why aren't you excited?!" he says obviously noticing I'm not up with him. "I am. I mean I do get excited, but I just know Chris won't want this. He has so much going on in his life right now, adding a baby to it won't help. He's already mad I won't go to the doctors to "find out what's wrong with me". He's acting as if I'm the bad guy in this." I say putting my face into my hands. "Sweetie, he'll be thrilled, he'd be stupid not to be. You need to tell him, if you don't it's only going to get worse. He'll start to notice you're not getting better, then when the bump starts to show he'll be asking questions. You have to tell him. If he doesn't want it, you come live here. I've got a spare room." he says pulling me into a hug.

We talk for another hour, Hamish makes some snacks and some non alcoholic drinks, which is surprising for him. We talk about all the ways I could tell Chris, but nothing seems right. I get another call, its Ricky.

"Hello?" I answer.
"Katy, for fucks sake where are you?"
"I'm in New York. Why?"
"In New York? What the fuck are you doing there? Chris is losing his shit. What happened?"
"I'm here because I couldn't stand being in the same house as someone who wants to ignore me when I'm trying to talk to them. I told him I didn't want to go to the doctors again and he got all shitty and started acting like a child."
"You have to come home. Or at least talk to him."
"No, I'm perfectly fine where I am. Why would I want to come home to someone who can't have a conversation."
"Because Katy, he's your boyfriend, who lives with you, who loves you and just wants you to be okay and well. Get your ass home or I will come get you myself."
"But I am okay and I will get better, I just need some fucking time. Why can't you guys understand that some things take time. Do not come here, do not look for me. I don't want to come home right now." I yell and hang up the phone. I look over at Hamish. "Damn girl, I would not want to be on the other side of that phone right now". I couldn't help but laugh at that.

I couldn't believe Ricky talked to me like that. He has no goddamn idea what's going on. I talk with Hamish a little longer. He thinks I should go home, but has offered me the night. I gratefully accept and stay.

Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

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