Chapter 8

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Well I did plan on sleeping in... But I guess my body just wants to be up. I got dressed into some exercise clothes, tights and a sports bra with a hoodie, popes my Nikes on and tied my hair up. I grabbed my keys, my phone and my card and headed out for a little run.
I ran for about 20 minutes when I bumped into Logan and his friend. We said our hello's, and I all of a sudden felt a little uncomfortable, not from Logan but his friend. He kept looking at me weirdly. I could just be imagining it but I swear he gave me a wink.

As I ran home I got a call. It was Greyson. Now Greyson and I are on great terms, we were together for 4 and a half years, we were actually engaged. He had a little girl she was 6, who lived with us. But I just couldn't cope with the stress of his ex and I ended up getting really sick from it all.
I answered the phone, "Hey! How are you?"
"I'm good and you? How's things going over there?" he replied. "So great! I've opened up my shop and I've made some friends. How's Natalie?", "She's good, she misses you. I ran into Ash the other day, Congratulations another niece or nephew on the way!", "Aw tell her I say hello, thankyou! Very exciting!" I say smiling at the thought of another baby in the family. "So I just thought I'd call and see how you were doing, and it sounds like you're really enjoying it over there. I'm really happy for you Katy." I could hear him trying to be happy, my heart sunk. "Yeah, it's great. Thank you for checking in on me. I better go, I've gotta go grocery shopping haha". We said goodbye and as soon as I hung up a felt the lump in my throat turn to tears in my eyes. Oh god. I really miss home, I miss Greyson, and Natalie... I started walking home, crying. Cause I'm just so cool right?

I must have been a while because I looked at the time as I got home and it was coming up 10 o'clock! I raced to the bathroom, showered, got dressed into a pair of black jeans, a white flowy top and my white vans... I definitely need to go shopping for new clothes, or at least shoes. I did my normal makeup with some pink lipstick and curled my hair. Just as I was spraying some hair spray I heard a knock at the door.
I, slightly exitedly, went downstairs and opened it to see Chris is some black ripped jeans, a black shirt, and some boots. Oh god, he looked good. "Good morning" he said smiling down at me. "Good Morning to you too". "So you ready to go?" he asked. "Nearly, come inside, I just have a couple little things to do. Sorry I'm running late today." I apologised. He came in a had a look around while I made a shopping list. "That's okay, I'm glad you got to sleep in." he called out. "Oh no, I woke up around 7:45ish, I went for a run and got distracted." I felt a hitch in my throat thinking about the conversation I had with Greyson. I cleared my throat. "Oh, well at least you had a morning to yourself".
"Yeah it was good." I said grabbing my bag and phone and keys. "Alright, shall we?" I asked with a smile. "We shall" he smiled back.

We headed out to the supermarket, just chatting about nothing really, with the radio playing in the background. That's when I heard the song that was playing the other night. "Oh god this song is so good! I heard it the other night and I tried to find it but I didn't know the name of it." I say turning it up slightly. "Oh this? It's called Voices, you like it huh?" he said with a smile. "Oh yeah! It's so good! Who's it by?" I looked over at him. He just smiled. "That's me." he laughed. Oh god, I'm honestly so stupid! I felt my face go bright red. "Oh god. I'm so sorry!" I said looking down. "For what? You didn't do anything wrong!", "I should have known it was you, I used to listen to you when I was younger! I totally should have put two and two together!" I said still looking down, not wanting to look at him. He must think I'm beyond stupid. "Honestly it's fine! So you used to listen to us huh?" he said with a cheeky tone. "Oh god, that's embarrassing, I shouldn't have said that. I promise I'm not a fan girl or anything! It was ages ago and... And..." I was on a goddamn roll now. "Katy! It's fine haha you don't have to worry! I'm just glad you listened to us, and like some of our new stuff.. So why'd you stop listening?" he asked, I could feel his calmness. I waited for my face to go back to normal before looking up. "My ex wasn't a huge heavy music fan, so I kind of just did. But it wasn't just you guys.." oh my god can I stop talking. "Fair enough. Well I'm glad you still like our stuff then." he said, I guess not wanting to press on the whole ex thing. Which I was grateful for.

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