Chapter 22

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Katy POV:

The party is tonight. Chris ended up staying again last night. It's been really comforting having him here. Every morning when I go down stairs he's there and oh god. My feelings for him have been getting stronger and stronger every day. We went out last night for dinner, and seeing the way he was with our waitress after her saying she was a fan.. Oh my god. I felt for the first time in a long time, my ovaries slightly explode. I don't know what happened but just seeing him like that made me so happy to be in his presence. He makes me forget about what happened. About how I feel about it. When he told me they were going again, of course I knew it was coming. The party was a bit of a giveaway... Seeing as the posters all say Halloween Tour party... He looked so nervous to tell me. I had to put on a brave face for him. Truth is. I'm terrified. I don't want him or any of the others to go. I'm scared shitless of what will happen when they're not here. But I know he loves what he does, they all do. You can see it in the way they talk about their previous tour, about their music... Even the new stage sets they come up with. I couldn't bust that bubble. It's his job, and my job is to support him, like he has with me in this whole horrible situation.

"Good morning!" I say cheerily coming down the stairs. He gives me an odd but accepting stare. "What's gotten you in a good mood?" he asks, handing me a tea. "I'm just excited for tonight. I get to see you live for the first time. See you in your element." I say, although it's true, my end goal is to make him feel and think I'm ready for them to go. I don't want him distracted this tour. He smiles at me, "well I'm excited that you are."
"So what are your plans for the day?" he asks as we sit down at the table. "I need to go shopping for an outfit for tonight. Is it a costume party?" I ask, knowing its a dumb question. "Definitely is. You don't have to dress up though" he says taking a sip of his coffee. "No I want to. Back in New Zealand, we don't really celebrate Halloween, I've always wanted to have a full blown American Halloween, and better yet I'll be doing it with the king of Halloween" I say grinning up at him. He just laughs. "Alright then. Well I've got sound check at 11 and then I have a few things to do. Did you maybe wanna drop me off and then you can take the car to go look for a costume?" I nod in reply. "If that's okay?"

I get dressed for the day, feeling pretty good to be honest. I haven't felt like this in a while. I guess trying to be in a good mood, kinda puts you in one. I throw on some blue jeans, a white top, my black and white vans and a Motionless In White jacket. I do my normal makeup and put my hair in a pony tail. I walk down stairs to meet Chris. He just laughs. "Cool jacket babe."
Babe? Oh god. Calm down heart. Yes you can definitely call me babe. I look at him and smile. I can see his face trying to process the fact that he just called me babe. I just take his hand and lead him to the car.

I drop Chris off at the hall, and wave to Justin and Ryan who were just walking up to the door. They smile and wave back. The three of them all disappeared through the door.
I turn the radio up and for the first time in a long time, I sing quietly along with the songs.
In about 20 minutes I was at the mall. EVERYTHING was decked out in Halloween stuff, and I mean... EVERYTHING. It was one of the coolest things I've seen. Back in New Zealand you'd be lucky to see one store decorated. There's usually one or two shelves with Halloween stuff.. Nothing like this holy shit. I didn't even know where to begin.
I went into a few stores, but I couldn't find anything I liked. I knew I wanted to go as Jessica Rabbit, but I didn't want to be too revealing, and boy.. Nearly everything was overly sexualised. I still wasn't overly comfortable in my skin yet and I didn't want anything that would add to that.

I finally found a fabric shop and decided I'd just make my costume. I find some red material that would be a perfect fit for my idea. I bought the amount I needed, and went off to find some shoes and accessories. I look at the time and decided to text Chris.

Me: Hey, would you mind if I met you at the party? I might be running a little late.. X
Chris: Is everything okay? X
Me: Yeah! Im just running late that's all. Is that okay? X
Chris: Yeah, I'll go with Ricky. I'll leave your name at the door. Message me when you're on your way okay? X
Me: Okay, I'll see you tonight. X
Chris: Have fun x

I smile and walk into the Mac store. Theres no way I could do my make up better than them, its for a special event anyway. Might as well treat myself.
"So what have you got planned for tonight?" the lady asks. "Oh just a Halloween party, I'm going as Jessica Rabbit." I say getting a little excited. "Awesome! I can definitely help with that! Take a seat." she says walking me over to the make up chair.
We talk for about an hour, and the she was done. I looked in the mirror and oh my god. I have to say I felt really pretty. "Oh wow... Thank you so much!!" I pay and leave a tip.
Time to head home and make this costume.

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