Chapter 34

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Katy's POV:

Christmas is tomorrow. Im being discharged soon and Chris will be here to get me in a few minutes. We still haven't talked about the baby, since he found out yesterday. I don't know what to do. What to say. I have no idea how he's feeling... Oh god. Can I just skip this part?
I see Chris pop his head around the corner. I give him a soft smile, he returns it. "Ready to go?" he asks coming in. "Just waiting to be discharged. I sit up. "Look, Chris..." I start. "We'll talk when we get home. Okay?" he smiles kindly. I just nod.
After a while the nurse comes in and hand me some papers to sign. I'm free to go.

The car ride home was silent. Not even the radio was playing. Every so often Chris would ask if I'm okay. I just nod. I'm not, I'm kind of shitting my pants right now about the conversation we're about to have.
We pull up into the driveway and park. He helps me out and go inside. We both sit on the couch taking a deep, long breath. Here it comes.
"So can we talk about it now?" Chris asks. "Why didn't you tell me?" he looks at me. "I just, I didn't know what would happen." I shrug. "What do you mean you didn't know what would happen?" questions. "I don't know. You just, you have your whole life ahead of you, you know?" I shrug again. "No I don't know. What do you mean?" his voice a little stern.
"I mean, you just, you've got your career, you're a successful musician, you have fans, you've got tours, you've got a life Chris. I don't want this to ruin that for you. We haven't even been together that long. You have your whole life ahead of you." I can't help but raise my voice to get my point across. He looked so confused. "What the fuck does any of that have to do with the fact that you're having my baby? My fans? My job?" he matches my volume. "It means you have a touring job, it means, you won't be here all the time. It means if you stop touring because of this, the fans will turn hateful towards us, because we took you away from them. It means fucking everything Chris." I feel actual anger now. Saying it all out loud makes it so much more real. I feel my heart racing, tears building up. I feel dizzy again.
His face turns from confused to anger, to sadness. It goes quiet. I feel myself starting to shake. Oh god. "Stop." he says quietly. "Katy..." he says in the same tone. "Katy fucking stop." he says grabbing my hands. "Your going to set yourself off again.. I'm sorry. I understand where you're coming from. I do. We'll figure it out okay? You and I." he lifts my face up and gives me a small kiss.

We turned on a movie, Dirty dancing. A classic. It's my favourite to watch when I'm sick. I must have fallen asleep, because I wake up to an empty house and the movies finished. I look at the time. 8:21pm. "Chris?" I call out. No answer.
I look around the house for him. Empty.

Me: Hey where are you? X
Chris: Be home soon. X

I go to the bathroom and run the shower. I hop in and let the warm water run over me. I wash my hair and body and get out. I put on some tights and one of Chris' shirts, and a hoodie.
Just then, there's a bunch of noise coming from downstairs. Three muffled voices sounding like they're trying to be quiet. I go down and see Chris, Ricky and Vinny all lugging a big tree inside. "What's this?" I ask giggling at them struggling. "This... This is Christmas." Vinny says sounding tired. They find a place to put it and stand it up. "It's beautiful!" I say going over to it.
Chris and I spent the night decorating the tree. It was perfect. "My first white Christmas." I say sitting down looking at the Christmas tree. "Merry Christmas eve Katy". He pulls me into his arms and we both just sit there looking at our first Christmas tree together.
He puts his hands over my stomach. "You know there's no bump there right?" I raise an eyebrow. "I know. But they're in there." he smiles looking down at my stomach.
"I'm sorry for earlier Chris." he looks up. "Don't be. I understand. My job isn't a normal one. You're right to have questions, doubts and worries. But I know we'll figure this out". He kisses my forehead. "I love you". I whisper.

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