Chapter 28

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It's been 4 weeks since the band left. Chris and I have talked everyday, he's loving being out on the road, the guys are doing great. They're doing sold out shows and the meet and greets have been amazing. He seems so lively and it's so good to hear. He'll be home  in a week, and I cannot be more excited. Though, I have been rather sick the last week or so. Nothing I eat stays down for very long. If I stand up for too long I get a little dizzy. Both Chris and Ricky think I should go to the doctor, but I'm sure it's just a virus going around. I'll wait a couple more days and see how I go.

I've called into work a couple times to see how things are going. The new chef is great, he does give me the creeps a little, but he's a great chef and seems to be doing really well. Danielle and the new girl Crystal are doing so well. Danielle took over the boutique area and even makes some of her own stuff.
My sister called and told me I'll be having a nephew, which is so exciting!! They're doing really well, her husband is starting up his own building company, mum got a promotion and my dad sold his business. Everything just seems to be going so well for everyone.


A couple days pass, I'm still not feeling that great. Chris is adimant I call and book an appointment with the doctors. So I do.
Its in 15 minutes.
I drive over there and let them know I'm here.
I wait a few minutes and then my doctor Dr. Rose comes out to get me. We talk about everything that's been going on, she asks me how I'm doing since the last time we spoke. She seems really pleased that I'm doing much better.
"So, what's bought you in here today Katy?" she asks in that friendly tone. "Well, I've been feeling a little ill lately, and I get a little dizzy if I stand up for too long." I explain. "Mhm and how long have you been feeling like this?" she questions. "About a week and a bit". "Sure, and are you just feeling nauseous or actually throwing up?", "I've been throwing up, I can't keep any food down lately." I explain. "Okay, and if you don't mind me asking, when was your last period?" a standard question which I hate answering. "Well my periods have always been a little up and down. They're irregular at the best of times". "I see, well Katy I'm going to take some blood, and we'll try to see what's going on, okay?" I just nod. She gets set up and takes some blood. I go and wait out in the waiting room until she gets the results. She said no longer than 20 minutes.
Almost on the dot, she comes out and asks me to come back in.
"Well Katy, I have some either good news or bad news for you. Depending on how you take it." she says in that friendly tone. I just give an encouraging nod. "Katy, you're pregnant." she says with a small smile on her face, I guess waiting to see my reaction.
"You're pregnant." she repeats. I must have said that outloud. Oh my god. "Really? Are you sure?" I ask her. She nods. "I can organise a scan for you if you'd like, to see how far along you are, but I wouldn't say more than 6 or 7 weeks. I'll give you a minute to process this and then you can let me know what you'd like to do." with that, she steps outside the office.
Holy shit. How? Well obviously I know how... But why? What am I supposed to do? I can't do this... Oh my god.
Doctor Rose comes back after a couple minutes. "So, have you decided what you'd like to do?" she asks. "I guess I'd like to have the scan, if that's okay?" I say, still confused with the new news. She nods and organises a scan to be done in a few hours.
I nod and leave.
I go for a drive, I don't know where I'm going but I end up at the mall. Maybe some shopping with help clear my mind.

I look around at the different stores. I come across a baby store and my heart flutters. I decide to go in and all of a sudden I've got baby fever. I look around at all the little clothes and I can't help but feel a little excited.
Why am I excited? Chris and I just got together. He's a musician, he tours. I'll be left alone with the baby all the time. What if he doesn't want this? I can't do this to him. I start to feel tears building. I have to go. Luckily, it's nearly time for the scan. I drive to the scan clinic. I take a deep breath and go in. Maybe the test was wrong. Maybe.

I get taken in almost straight away, and before I know it they're putting the cold goop on my stomach and looking around for the baby. They look around for about five minutes. Nothing.
"Have you had anything to drink today?" they lady asks. I shake my head. She hands me a wipe to clean off the goop. "You need to have a full bladder, perhaps go and have a bottle or a few cups of water and come back in a half hour." I just nod.
I go back into the waiting room and throw back a few cups of water and wait.


Chris: Hey baby, how was the Dr? X

Oh god. What do I tell him?

Me: It was okay, I was right. Just a virus x
Chris: Oh that's good, well not good. But better than anything else right? X

My heart sunk.
I can't have this baby, if there is one.

The time seemed to get slower the more I needed to pee. The lady comes back out and asks how I'm feeling. I tell her I've got to pee and she brings me back in.
The cold goop goes on again and within minutes I'm staring at a little dot on the screen. I knew straight away what that was.
Thats my baby.
"Looks like you're about 6-7 weeks along. Congratulations mommy!" the lady excitedly smiles. She prints off a photo of the scan and hands it to me.
The tears just started streaming down my face. But they're not sad, or scared. They're happy tears. I'm going to be a mum.

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