Chapter 49

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It's been a week and a bit since I came home.
Chris has had a couple meetings, He said it's about new music coming out, but I don't remember him writing anything new.
Mums been great, she's taken the opportunity to go out and see the town when Chris is home, she does leave in a couple days though... which I'm sad about. I wish I could have been well enough to do more with her.
I haven't gone out, except for two therapy sessions. I like my therapist, she's lovely. She has no judgy looks or comments. She seems to really understand what I've been through.
She thinks I'm making good progress.

It's midday, mums making lunch and Chris is out in a meeting. He should be home soon.
Mum brings over a Marmite sandwich. I haven't had this in so long. Chris doesn't seem to understand it. He refuses to try it.
But honestly it's one of the best spreads you can get.
Just as I'm finishing my lunch, Chris walk in. I can see he's pissed about something, but he's trying to hide it. "You okay?" I ask looking over at him. He looks up, tries to give a smile, "yeah I just need to do a couple things in my office." He says before stalking up stairs. I hear the door close behind him. "I wonder what's happened." Mum says taking a sip of her water. I go to check on him but Mum stops me. "Just leave him dear, he probably just needs a breather."


Mum leaves tomorrow morning.
I decide to take her around the town. Some fresh air and some food that's not from home will do me some good I think.
We go to the Café, I show her around. Logan, Danielle and Crystal all give me a big hug when they see me. We order breakfast. I order some pancakes with ice cream and Mum a muesli bowl.
"So Katy, I know things are starting to get better... but I'm just worried. I over heard Chris talk to his friends the day before you left the hospital. He needs to work, but he's refusing to go because he doesn't want to leave you alone. He's scared..." what? How come he hasn't told me this? "I'm fine for him to go." I say... "You're not and he won't go until you're better. He has to make up for the shows he lost when this all started, that's why he was on edge the other day when he came home from that meeting I think." I can see she's trying to be delicate. "So what are you saying? That it's my fault they're not on tour? That I asked for this?" I feel my tears welling up. "No sweetie, I'm just saying that maybe, maybe you come home. Just hear me out. It'll be just for a little bit. He needs to work. But we don't want to leave you alone. I talked to your doctor, he said you should be okay to fly and they can continue your therapy and check up's over there." She has a point. Maybe it is the best thing to do... Chris needs a break from all this, he needs to work, I know him not touring is hurting him. He loves it and me being here holding him back isn't fair on him or the rest of the band... "I'll talk to Ricky, see what he says..." it's the best answer I can give. "Okay, you think you can make your mind up before tonight?" She asks.

Me: Hey can we catch up?
Ricky: Hey! Yeah, we're just in a meeting atm, but we'll be done in like 20? Meet at the cafe? I could definitely go for a coffee right now 😂
Me: yeah that sounds great, I'm already here so when ever you're ready...

Mum and I chat a little more... nothing serious. I told her I'm meeting with Ricky, so she's decided to go and do some shopping while we talk. She leaves just before Ricky comes.
"Hey!" He says walking over to me, I stand up and give him a hug. "I'm just gonna get a coffee, do you want anything?" He asks, seeming a little agitated.. "No I'm okay." I say sitting back down. He walks over to Crystal and makes an order. Pays and comes back over. "Is everything okay?" I ask noticing him being more fidgety than usual. "Yeah, just a shit meeting that's all." He says noticing that I noticed him being weird. "So how are you doing?" He asks changing the subject. "I'm good, feeling really good. I'm sorry for what happened. Chris told me you and Vinny were the ones who cleaned everything up... I'm sorry." He just shakes his head. "Katy, it's okay. We all understand. No one blames you for what happened. You've had it rough this year. We're just glad you stayed with us." He says taking my hand. "Still it wasn't fair on any of you. That's actually why I asked you to meet with me..." he looks at me like a lost puppy. "Go on?"
"What's all the meetings been about? Chris says it's about new music but surely you can't have that many meetings about music right?" Hoping he'd give me an actual answer.
"Uhh, well... management is wanting us back on tour, pretty much as soon as we can. Chris doesn't wan-". "He doesn't want to go and leave me alone... right?" I finish his sentence. He just nods. "Mum overheard you guys talking just before I came home." I explain. "While we all understand, it's just... we need to work... you know?" He says rubbing his neck. "I get it! Honestly I do! I know how much touring means to you all!" Trying to reassure him. "Mums suggested I go back to New Zealand with her... do you think that would be a good idea?" He seems a bit taken back when I say that. "Oh Katy... I don't-". "Ricky, you're my best friend, I need you to be honest. I have to make up my mind before tonight."
"Tonight?" He asks. "Yeah if I go I'll be going tomorrow morning... with Mum." I explain.
"Oh god... well I think it might be a good idea for you to be with your family for a little bit. Chris needs to do his job, and you need to get better. So I think, I think maybe you should. But only for a little bit, and you have to text me everyday. Answer all my calls and send me pictures. Promise me?" Well there's my answer. I knew it would be. I knew even if I didn't ask him.
I'm going home.

We picked mum up and headed home.
Ricky dropped us off.
Chris was already home. "Chris?" I call out. Silence. "Chris?!" I call out again. I walk up to his office and knock. "Hey.." he says as I open the door. He looks conflicted. I guess I now know why... "Hey, can... can we talk?" I ask closing the door.

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