Chapter 48

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Katy's POV:

I know it was stupid what I did.
I know I've hurt a lot of people by doing it.
I know it wasn't the right way to do things.
I just wanted the pain to stop.
It did. For a little while.
Mums over from New Zealand.
She seems to be trying to hold it together. I know I broke her heart.
Chris is here all the time. The doctors said him and the guys have been up almost all the time.
They said they tried to talk to me. I don't remember. I don't remember a whole lot actually. Not after the second cut.
I get to come home today.
Chris and Mum will be here soon.
The doctor runs a couple tests, to make sure I'm ready.
I am.
I have 10 hours of therapy.

Chris and Mum walk in through the door just as the doctor writes up my discharge sheet.
"Good news" I say as Chris comes over to kiss my forehead. "Good to go?" He asks. "Sure am!" I'm ready to get out of here. I feel like I've been here too much this past year. "I just have to go talk to the doctor, just to make sure everything's okay." Lyn says walking off. "So what are we going to do when we get home?" I ask looking up at Chris. "Well, you need to rest, so we'll be doing a lot of that. No arguing either." He says with a stern but happy face. "Fair enough..." he helps me up and into the wheel chair that the orderly left. A few minutes later mum walks back in. "Okay, all set." She says and we make our way down to the car.

It was a quiet ride home. Chris drove, mum and I sat in the back holding hands.
We pull up out front.
My house.
Chris helps me out and walks me to the door. Unlocking and opening it.
Everything looks the same.
I don't really know what I was expecting, but I'm happy to see that nothings changed.
We walk in and settle down in the lounge.
As much as I would like to say I feel fine. It would be a lie. I'm tired. Really tired.
"I think I need to have a rest.." I say quietly. They both look at each other. "Sure, sure, we'll just go sort something out." Mum says, waking off with Chris. They both go upstairs. I hear some mumbling but pretty soon after I know I'm falling asleep already.

I woke up, unsure of what time it is, where I am, and how long I was asleep for.
I let my eyes adjust to the dark room. I'm in the lounge. The curtains are pulled.
I hear humming in the kitchen. "Mum?" I call out. "Oh well that was a good long sleep." How do you feel?" She asks coming over to me. "I'm okay... where's Chris?" I ask looking around for him. "He's gone out to get some groceries. He left about 15 minutes ago." She answers. "Look sweetie, while he's away. I know you've just gotten home and things are super weird and everything, but we do need to talk." She says sitting down. Oh god, here comes the talk. "I know it's been extremely hard for you, going through everything you have gone through. I know it's really hard not having us here with you. I know you came here to start fresh and you did. I also know how much you love Chris and how much he loves you. But I think... I think maybe... maybe you need to come home with me." WHAT?! I feel my heart thumping out of my chest, my blood starting to drain. "What?! I can't leave Chris! I can't do that! I don't even know why... why would you even say that?" I can barely get the words out. "Okay, okay shhh.... it was just a thought. I'm sorry. Don't stress over it. I just hate to be so far away from you..." she tries to calm me down. "You can't just say that Mum..." feeling my tears fall down my cheeks. "I'm sorry sweetie.." is all she says.

Chris came home about half an hour after mum tried to drop that bomb on me.
He walks in, carrying as many bags as he could and kisses my forehead before going to the kitchen. I hear Him and Mum greet each other. It nice being able to see them together. I just wish it were under different circumstances.
It's roughly 6pm when Chris comes to get me for dinner. I'm not overly hungry but I wanted to be around them. It's nice.
The two of them chat away about nothing in particular. I jump in every so often but not a whole lot. I don't eat much either. Everything is still a little hard to swallow. They did give me jelly and ice cream but it still hurts.

After dinner, we sit down and watch a movie. About half way through Mum kisses my forehead and says goodnight to us and heads up stairs. Chris and I stay down here. I feel my eyes start to get heavy again and I let sleep take over.

A New LifeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora